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Canadiens win on penalties in Detroit on penalties

Montreal 3, Detroit 2 (SO). Allen made 41 saves.

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DETROIT — Cole Corfield and Nick Suzuki scored in a shootout as the Canadiens beat the Red Wings 3-2 on Tuesday at Little Caesars Arena.

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Mike Hoffman scored two goals, Jake Allen made 41 saves, and had two more saves from the penalty shootout, but the main reason the Canadiens left town with two goals was their second-half potential. It was an exciting performance by a penalty killer who killed all six penalties, including a devastating backbreaker. Third period.

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Montreal were clinging to a 2-2 draw, but rookie July Slafkowski received a major penalty and misconduct in a board game against Matt Ruff with 5:32 remaining. With Slavkowski’s penalty with 3:01 remaining, that five-minute power of his two minutes of play was erased when Elmer Soderholm was sent off for interference.

The Canadiens ended the first period with a 2-1 lead despite winning 16-7.

Hoffman enjoyed a rebound off shot from Brendan Gallagher to score his second and third goals of the season.

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Gallagher had a shot from the left after goalkeeper Ville Husso attempted a clearance by Jordan Harris. Husso made the first stop on Gallagher, but was unable to cross his crease in time to stop Hoffmann’s shot at 5:41.

The Gallagher-Hoffman combination hit again with 15.2 seconds left in the period.

Earlier in the day, coach Martin St. Louis lamented the fact that his team had not scored enough penalties. They got a power play when Andrew Kopp hooked Jonathan Kovacevic, which almost turned into a disaster.

The Canadiens failed to shoot and the Red Wings pulled away when Dylan Larkin stripped the puck off Jonathan Druin at the blue line. Kirby Duck chased Larkin, but slashed the Detroit captain who was awarded a penalty shot.

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Larkin appeared to be slipping in slow motion and made one fake too much before Allen knocked the puck off his stick.

Austin Czarnik scored a goal for Detroit in the second half when he set up in the slot and converted a pass from Dominik Kubalik.

Montreal’s penalty kills stepped up big in the second period led by Allen. The Canadiens were hit shorthanded in his third inning and Allen had to be sharp. Because Detroit made 10 of 14 shots for him.

The Canadiens’ problems worsened in the second period. David Sabad, who received a tripping penalty in the second half, was given a cheating penalty for voicing his displeasure. That means Montreal was down to his five defensemen in his first ten minutes of the third period.

Montreal managed to get through the last 10 minutes, holding the Red Wings to four shots on goal, but Lucas Raymond equalized at 10:37 and scored the fifth with a rebound from Pius Suter.

The Canadiens will return to the Bell Center on Wednesday to face the Vancouver Canucks. (7pm, SN, RDS, TSN 690 Radio, 98.5 FM).

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Canadiens win on penalties in Detroit on penalties

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