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Canadiens’ Jordan Harris happy to have a girlfriend in town

He met Cody Cross when she was playing hockey at Northeastern University and she was also a defenseman.

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Canadiens defensemen Jordan Harris and Mike Matheson have something in common.

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Their significant other knows quite a bit about playing positions.

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Harris’ girlfriend, Cody Cross, had been a defense attorney for four seasons at Northeastern University, where they met. I won a silver medal. Cross, 24, graduated from Northeastern University as a member of the 2020 Hockey She East She All Academic She currently lives and works in Calgary. She’s been hanging out with Harris in Montreal this week.

Matheson’s wife, Emily Falzer, was an attorney for four seasons at Boston University, where they met. Her 29-year-old Falzer, from Buffalo, was on her team USA, which won the gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics by defeating her team Canada. She gave birth to her first son, Hudson, in June last year.

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Acquired from the Pittsburgh Penguins in a Jeff Petrie trade this summer, Matheson has yet to play a game for the Canadiens after suffering an abdominal muscle strain during training camp. Attended wearing a contact jersey, head coach Martin St. Louis later said he wasn’t sure when the defense would be ready to return to the lineup.The Canadiens first announced Matheson’s injury on October 13. when they said he would be out for eight weeks.

Brendan Gallagher missed Friday’s practice, taking what the team called maintenance day. said he thinks it’s okay to play the Pittsburgh Penguins at the Bell Center. (7pm, SNE, CITY, NHLN, TVA Sports, TSN 690 Radio, 98.5 FM).

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Harris got off to an impressive start in his first full NHL season after appearing in 10 games last season after completing a four-year Northeastern career as team captain. In his 14 games with the Canadiens this season, Harris recorded his four assists and a team-best plus/minus margin of plus six alongside captain Nick Suzuki.

Thursday was a holiday for the Canadians and Harris was able to enjoy it with his girlfriend.

“Her brother is getting married soon, so we went to buy her a dress and stuff,” Harris said after practice on Friday.

“I didn’t say much about what dress she chose,” he added with a smile. “It was good, and then we got some food and chilled. It was nice to walk around and explore a bit.I’m glad to see her.”

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When asked if his girlfriend ever criticized his play, Harris laughed and said…always. But she knows there are boundaries. it’s good. she is a good player She played for Team Canada. She’s also a defenseman, so she knows what I’m looking at when I play. ”

Harris has never played more than 39 regular season games during his season with Northeastern.

“It’s very different… the schedule is very different,” he said. We’re slowly building towards it.Here, I’m doing a little[workout]every day to keep up… I work out after the game.”

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Harris has shown more physical presence on the ice this season, appearing stronger in both puck and body battles along the board.

“That’s what I’ve been consciously trying to do,” he said. “I’ve always lifted[weights]hard, but now I feel like I’m just trying to find my balance point and I’m just using leverage. That’s what I’ve seen[in the video]and I’ve probably seen places where they were taken off the pack, or where they were trying to play harder in the corners, etc.”

Harris also learned the importance of rest during the NHL’s grueling schedule.

“I learned how to nap,” he said. “I’ve never taken a nap before, so I’m trying to learn everything from how to nap and how to get good nutrition.”

Thursday’s day off with his girlfriend was a nice little break for the 22-year-old defenseman.



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Canadiens’ Jordan Harris happy to have a girlfriend in town

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