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Canadiens defeat Canucks by defeating two suspended players

Montreal 5, Vancouver 2

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Wednesday’s Vancouver Canucks at Bell Center had a problem: too little, too late.

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The Canadiens opened up a 4–0 lead in the first two periods and survived the third period rally with the NHL’s fifth-best offense to win 5–2.

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Luke Shen and Nils Hoglander scored goals in the third period for Vancouver, but Sam Montembaugh extended his season record to 3-1-1 with 31 saves. His second goal of the night.

With the win, the Canadiens improved to 7-6-1.

The Canadiens wasted no time in establishing their dominance over the Canucks. Montreal continued the power play when Tanner Pearson hooked Joel Edmundson in the 43rd second of the first period. Nick Suzuki took just 12 seconds to beat Demko with a wrist shot from the blue line. Suzuki leads the team with his 9 goals, 3 of which are power his plays.

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Rookie defenseman Arbor Jekai scored his second goal of the season, beating Demko with a shot from the point at 8:47. Shawn Monaghan won the showdown with Pearson and put his puck back in the points. Monaghan then got to the front of the net and made traffic in front of Demko.

The Ducks went 3-0 when JT Miller failed to control the puck in the defensive zone. Duck went in alone and delivered a blow to Demko.

Mike Hoffman, who scored twice in the shootout in Detroit on Tuesday, took a clear pass from Jonathan Kovacevic in the second period to make it 4-0 on a rush to beat Demko. Kovacevic scored his first NHL point assist.

The Canadiens played without forwards Josh Anderson and Juraj Slavkowski. Anderson was serving his second game of a two-game suspension for boarding Alex’s Pietrangelo in Vegas last Saturday. Earlier Wednesday, the NHL handed Slavkowski a two-game suspension for boarding Detroit’s mat his rough Tuesday.

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Members of the Canadian Forces leave the ice surface after playing the national anthem before an NHL game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Vancouver Canucks in Montreal on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
Members of the Canadian Forces leave the ice surface after playing the national anthem before an NHL game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Vancouver Canucks in Montreal on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. Photo by Allen McInnis /Montreal Gazette

The Canadiens wore camouflage jerseys during their pre-game warm-ups when the team marked a night of military appreciation.

Frank Madigan, a World War II veteran who enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy in 1941 and participated in the Battle of the Atlantic, performed a pre-match pack drop ceremony. He was joined on the ice by JRS Brigadier General Boybin and Corporal Maxim Tuzin. Boibin took part in operations in the former Yugoslavia, Kandahar and Egypt, where he commanded the Gola task force and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

Touzin was deployed to Iraq in 2018 and participated in the deployment of soldiers to long-term care facilities at the start of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.



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Canadiens defeat Canucks by defeating two suspended players

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