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Canadian Business Journal CHAR Technology Spotlights in Federal Methane Strategy

TORONTO, Sept. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Government of Canada recently Faster, Farther: Canada’s Methane Strategyplans to cut emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas many times more harmful than carbon dioxide;

CHAR Technologies Ltd. (“CHAR” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture Exchange: YES) proprietary high temperature pyrolysis (HTP) technology in two of three federally focused industrial sectors It can contribute to methane reduction. Plans: A waste sector to treat biodegradable materials diverted from landfills and other disposal sites, and an agricultural sector to treat animal manure and crop residues. Our HTP system converts this waste into renewable natural gas and green hydrogen and high-value solid carbon that can be used as a substitute for fossil coal or as a soil amendment on agricultural land.

Contains CHAR go faster and farther As part of a spotlight on Canadian cleantech companies. CHAR is a “notable example of a Canadian methane technology company helping Canada reduce methane emissions and meet its climate goals while benefiting the economy through the creation of new green sector jobs. was identified as one of

“CHAR’s high temperature pyrolysis system can play a key role in preventing methane emissions and creating a circular economy,” said CHAR CEO Andrew White. It occurs by leaving waste untreated. ”

“Reducing methane emissions is one of Canada’s climate success stories to date, and will continue to pay off as it is cost-effective and essential in the fight against climate change. Canadian industry, as well as scientists and researchers, have the expertise and experience to make this powerful reduction of greenhouse gases go faster and further. We have already made great progress in the

Andrew White, Chief Executive Officer
E: [email protected]

Marc Corolle, Chief Financial Officer
E: [email protected]
Phone: 866 521 3654

About CHAR Technologies
CHAR Technologies Ltd. is a cleantech development and services company specializing in organic waste pyrolysis and biocarbon development, custom equipment for industrial air and water treatment, environmental management, site investigation and remediation, engineering , environmental compliance and resource efficiency services.


GOV press release: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2022/09/canada-releases-faster-and-further-canadas-methane-strategy2.html

Publication landing page: https://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.915545/publication.html

Report: https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2022/eccc/En4-491-2022-eng.pdf

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The statements contained in this press release contain “forward-looking information” within the meaning of the Canadian securities laws (“forward-looking statements”). “could”, “may”, “would”, “would”, “intend”, “expect”, “expect” and similar expressions associated with CHAR are forward-looking information intended to identify. Such statements reflect CHAR’s current views and intentions regarding future events and current information available to CHAR and the risks discussed or referenced in CHAR’s disclosure documents filed with the securities. Subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including factors. This includes a Management Discussion & Analysis dated January 31, 2022, available from his CHAR profile on www.sedar.com. Such forward-looking information is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Further, CHAR is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such forward-looking information. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is made as of the date of this press release and CHAR does not publicly disclose forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. We undertake no obligation to update or amend it.

Canadian Business Journal CHAR Technology Spotlights in Federal Methane Strategy
CBJ Newsmaker

Canadian Business Journal CHAR Technology Spotlights in Federal Methane Strategy

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