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Calgary’s Energy Transition Center Accelerates Bringing Green Technologies to Market

Located in downtown Calgary, the center provides space and opportunities for innovators to collaborate and connect with industry partners

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The Energy Transition Center officially opened Tuesday in downtown Calgary and aims to accelerate progress toward a carbon-neutral energy sector.

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The center provides a space for innovators to collaborate and connect with industry partners to streamline and bring successful projects to market.

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We are partnering with the University of Calgary and other companies in the oil and gas sector to reach our net zero goal. All in all, there is his $4.2 million behind the Center, including his $2.1 million in funding from the Federal Government’s Prairie Can branch.

The center is intended to spur the same type of innovation that emerged from the Alberta Oil Sands Institute of Technology and Research in the 1970s. This made it possible to effectively separate the oil from the sand.

Kevin Krausert, CEO and co-founder of Avatar Innovations, said: “The energy transition is happening right here, right now. The oil and gas industry, Calgary and Canada are going to lead it.”

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The center has a core member group that can accommodate 30 startups at a time. Currently, he’s 27 working in his 17,000-square-foot office in The Ampersand’s East Tower. Startups are uniquely working from applicants through his year-long program at Avatar Innovations, with the opportunity to scale and bring to market even further.

Krausert said the challenge is figuring out how to use the existing infrastructure in that migration.

“This is an opportunity to work within today’s energy system to build tomorrow’s energy system,” he said. “The energy transition will be complicated. We have to use our current energy system to reduce emissions, otherwise it will be very expensive and too time consuming.”

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Ling Bai, managing partner of VL Energy Ltd., works outside the center with three other employees. The company is a consulting firm seeking to commercialize predictive emissions monitoring technology that has broad applications across sectors.

For Bai, a graduate of the University of Engineering program, the center is all about collaboration, where you can not only help others, but also benefit from them.

“It’s a journey. Some know what the next step is, some don’t know the next step. That’s how I learned.” It really accelerated my own journey of growth.”

Our downtown location gives attendees access to Canada’s oil and gas centers, financial partners, and other facilities within the ecosystem. It also helps the U of C complete the loop of education and development of ideas, bringing them to market, creating jobs and contributing to the energy transition.

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“Our students like to be characterized as a value-creating generation. They are very interested in how we improve the world around us. I think supply is very important for any student.”

So far, 270 students have gone through two different stages of the programme, training them to manage early-stage opportunities and turn them into business opportunities, said Puneet Mannan, associate director of the center. said.

“We are filling our pipeline with a lot of opportunities that could have a chance of success to create commercial opportunities in the energy transition space,” he said.


Twitter: @JoshAldrich03

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Calgary’s Energy Transition Center Accelerates Bringing Green Technologies to Market

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