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After losing legal battle, MPI adopts leading driver model

After losing a legal battle with the Manitoba Public Utilities Board (PUB), Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) plans to switch to a major driver model for auto insurance pricing.

PUB has ordered MPI to develop a five-year plan for transitioning from the current registered owner model to the primary driver model. However, MPI sued PUB over the directive, announcing earlier this year that it would continue to use the registered owner model, with no changes for the next five years.

However, the Court of Appeals Freda Steel denied MPI’s request to appeal the PUB’s order.

“Challenging PUB Jurisdiction to DSR’s Underlying Methodology [driver safety rating] There is no reasonable chance that the system will succeed,” Steele said in the Oct. 19 decision.

The primary driver model means that Manitobaans must pay auto insurance based on their primary driver history, not the vehicle’s registered owner. CBC News reported that the change could lead to significant savings for primaries with clean records and strong driver safety ratings, and could further disadvantage drivers who don’t. . A safe driver can save you up to 37% on annual premiums.

Steele also explained that only Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia use the registered owner model to assess risk and premium. Steele points out that North American commercial insurers are using a primary driver model. The Attorney General also acknowledged that there may be difficulties implementing the new model, noting that MPI has raised privacy concerns.

MPI spokesperson Kristy Rydz told CBC News that public insurers would not challenge Steel’s decision and provided the information requested by the PUB.

“Going forward, MPI will continue to work with PUB towards a driver safety rating model that is mathematically sound and provides the greatest value to Manitoban,” the representative added.

After losing legal battle, MPI adopts leading driver model

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