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A Midterm Vote About the Future, Not the Past

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There are lessons to be learned from this week’s US midterm elections. You can’t count Donald Trump, but the message voters sent in his home state of Florida was clear. Ron DeSantis is their man. He was re-elected governor of that state, defeated his Democratic rival, and made a significant inroad into the crucial Latino vote in Miami.

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It’s hard to see Republicans rallying around the former president despite being threatened by Trump about the uncomfortable truths he might divulge to DeSantis. person was defeated. Most notably, Pennsylvania television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz, who lost his bid for a Senate seat to John Fetterman.In the same state, Trump-backed gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano The Senate lost to Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

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President Joe Biden breathes a sigh of relief, but he can’t claim victory. It’s still a knife-edge balance in Congress.

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No doubt this result is encouraging, and Biden will run again in 2024. That’s wrong. Democrats lost seats. Biden looks weak and confused at times. he is yesterday Fighting against a young and energetic Republican rival like DeSantis would not fare well for him.

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The large number of young voters is likely the result of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, which allowed several states to change their abortion laws.

Midterm elections have little impact on Canada. Biden is no friend of this country. He could not go north of his borders and visit a country which was his own country’s oldest ally and greatest trading partner. His first act upon becoming president was to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. His actions show his complete disregard for this country.

The biggest winner in the midterm elections is Ukraine. Trump supporters had expressed a desire to stop the flow of US arms to the country. Ukrainians are bravely fighting a proxy war against Russia on behalf of the West.

We will stop arming them at the risk.

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A Midterm Vote About the Future, Not the Past

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