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14-year-old boy, victim of fatal accident near Smith Falls

By Wednesday evening, the online fundraiser had raised $16,000 of its $20,000 goal.

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An online fundraiser for the family of the Smith Falls boy who died in last week’s clashes raised $16,000 in just a few days.

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14-year-old Dylan Bunting was killed last Friday when his dirt bike collided with a car on Matheson Drive in Montagu Township, just a few miles east of Smith Falls.

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It was a sunny afternoon when Lanark County Ontario Police (OPP), Lanark paramedics, and Montague firefighters were called to the scene just after 1:00 p.m.

In a news release Saturday morning, Lanark OPP confirmed that there had been a collision between an off-road vehicle and a passenger vehicle along a busy road somewhere between Riceville Road and Rosedale Road. They confirmed the off-road vehicle driver had died, but did not release his identity “because of his age.”

Police announced on social media on Friday that nearly the entire length of Matheson Drive was closed so the crash could be investigated. The local fire department was also fighting a fire at a sugar shack along the same road.

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The road was closed for several hours while investigators gathered evidence. Shortly before 8pm on Friday, police announced the scene had been cleared and the road reopened.

An online fundraiser was quickly launched by Terry Ann Wiseman, a friend of the Bunting family.

“Dylan was an amazing 14-year-old and Gianna’s only son,” reads GoFundMe.

“I can’t imagine the pain she’s going through and helping our community take some of the stress off her to cover her funeral and other expenses to help ease her mind a little. My heart is devastated for her if I can. She needs to be off work so there may be some expenses.”

By Wednesday evening, the fundraiser had raised $16,000 of its $20,000 goal.

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Wiseman writes that Mr. Bunting is much loved in the community and the funds raised will help those he left behind.

“He loved his family, his friends and his car,” continued the online fundraiser. “I would like to get his mother Gianna’s help to cover the costs during this period.”

“Dylan was loved by so many parents and children in Smiths Falls, so please share this if you can’t donate.”

Assisting the police investigation, which was still ongoing as of Wednesday, was the OPP’s Traffic Reconstruction and Technical Crash Investigation Unit, as well as the Forensic Identification Unit.

No other details of the crash were provided by police. They did not release information on whether a cause for the crash had been determined or whether any charges were pending.

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By email Wednesday, Lanark OPP Sgt. Elizabeth Hollihan said, “No updates.”

“The recovery report and final decision will take some time,” Holihan said.

In addition to online fundraising, a benefit dance is also planned to raise money for his family. It will take place on November 19th from 11am to 11pm at the Smiths Falls Civitane Club. Admission is $10 and includes games, raffles, silent auction, DJ and food. All proceeds will go to Dylan’s mother.

You can view the GoFundMe fundraiser here.

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14-year-old boy, victim of fatal accident near Smith Falls

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