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100 Miles Smile: Ailsa MacDonald Talks About Second Place at Western States

Isle Samak Donald I didn’t expect it to end on the podium last weekend Western States 100.. But she was ready to run a well-performed smart race. This year’s WSER is McDonald’s second and her fifth has completed 100 miles. We caught up with her post-race situation.

McDonald’s, skilled Endurance athlete A person who calls Cochrane, Arta his hometown said that familiarity with the course was a big deal for her. She said, “I participated in the race with the goal of n.It’s hard to get too involved in the competition. It takes patience and discipline, “says McDonald’s. She made that mistake in 2018. “I learned a valuable lesson because this course tends to get hot,” she says. I was suffering before 50 miles in 2018. ”

This year’s experience was completely different. McDonald’s focused on running his race, regardless of competition. She experienced a moment of her suffering, but her race was “much more fun than last time,” she says. McDonald’s said the pace was slow at first and the racing strategy of “keeping happy and moving forward” allowed us to actually evaluate the course that we couldn’t do in 2018.

Photo: Instagram / ailsamacdonaldrunner

“I wanted to run a 100-mile smile,” she says. “I put a smile on my face and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. I couldn’t catch up with the tournament because I broke through a cliff this year, so I look back and look back at the sunrise. McDonald’s lists some of his favorite moments. It was really fun to cross Lucky Chucky. “

As any Ultra Runner proves, every race has highs and lows, and McDonald’s had some challenges with her feet. “The highlands we ran got very wet on my feet, and then there’s a huge descent where I started to feel my toes hit. Until Forest Hill (Aid Station). By the time I was driving on the paved road, my feet felt like one big hotspot, “says McDonald’s. However, the infamous magic worked at Forest Hill. “At Forest Hill, all the spectators who came out transmitted energy, and when I saw my friends and crew, I almost forgot the pain by the time I left. My legs started to improve.”

McDonald’s used proven nutrients from previous super-experiences, such as peanut butter and banana wraps, Lara’s energy bar, and hydration mix. When her stomach began to feel uncomfortable, she calmed her nausea with ginger ale and pretzels.While The fever was strong, McDonald’s wasn’t as bad as 2018. “It took a long time to heat up and I felt like there were some shaded spots. The river crossings were also helpful!” McDonald’s had a crew member who had overcome several challenges, and she was I know how to continue. “my husband, Barry greenAnd our friends David and Leslie Roche It was my wonderful crew, “she says.

Photo: Instagram / ailsamacdonaldrunner

McDonald’s enjoyed a week of full recovery when we talked to her.Her next race is Finlayson arm 50K In September, but she says, “It won’t be a breakout performance or anything, the western state was my goal race this season.”

A Western state McDonald’s on the podium won a ticket to Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) 2023. After dropping out of the 2021 UTMB race for about 130 kilometers, McDonald’s states that “there is an unfinished business.”

McDonald’s will undoubtedly make good use of her experience and discipline when returning to Chamony. With her very well-strategic race and second place finish in WSER, she will be a top candidate to watch wherever she competes.

100 Miles Smile: Ailsa MacDonald Talks About Second Place at Western States

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