Home Health Can you Make Friends with Social Anxiety?

Can you Make Friends with Social Anxiety?


8 Actionable Tips from Funchatt

Social anxiety occurs when a person is afraid of social situations and avoids them out of fear of socializing with others. Social anxiety victims tend to experience high levels of self-consciousness and feel as if they are constantly being scrutinized and judged by those around them. As a result of their fear of being seen in a negative light, the individual may lack the social skills to interact effectively with others.

Socially anxious individuals are at high risk of showing poor self-control during and after social interactions. This has many negative implications, including poor interpersonal relationships.

« The ability to control and regulate impulses, desires, wishes, emotions, and other behaviors is a core feature of the self. » — Baumeister Roy.

People with social anxiety often engage in avoidant behavior, making it difficult to cope with the day-to-day stresses of life. The level of anxiety can rise and fall. Some people with the disorder can lead a relatively normal life, while for others the usual daily tasks seem impossible.

Situations In Which Social Anxiety Victims Are Most Likely to Feel Uneasy

Having snacks and coffee breaks with coworkers, whether in a restaurant or on a bus, train, or plane. People with this disorder may experience social anxiety while shopping, waiting in line, sitting in a classroom, traveling, visiting family and friends, meeting new people at a social event, or giving a presentation.

5 Causes of Social Anxiety  :

Social anxiety cannot appear out of nothing, so most likely it came with one of these factors.

1.     Hereditary

For those who have a family history of the disorder, social anxiety is more likely to be present in their children. Yet, not all genes get activated in a child, but if they do, social anxiety may become one of the problems.

2.     Environmental

Some external factors can influence social anxiety disorder. Research shows that social isolation may be a reason for social anxiety to appear in a large number of those who previously suffered from the condition. Children can also develop social anxiety because of the parents’ behavioral patterns in adoptive families, where there is no genetic component.

3.     Temperamental

Social anxiety may be caused by a person’s temperament. Shy and closed off children have a higher risk of developing a social anxiety disorder.

4.     Brain damage

Another contributing factor is a chemical imbalance in your brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help cells communicate with one another, but people with bipolar or other brain disorders have a different reaction to social cues than those who do not have it.

5.     Past experiences

This involves the social context of an individual. One might have fainted in public, said the wrong thing during a school presentation, or been harassed. Anxiety from a recurrence of the unpleasant experience in similar circumstances is induced by the event.

While social anxiety can limit individuals from enjoying their life to the fullest, you may want to start practicing your social skills online with social networking platforms like Funchatt. It is a space where diverse people come together to have a casual chat, have fun and relax, keeping themselves happy and fulfilled.

Main Symptoms of Social anxiety:

If you have social anxiety, you may notice physical symptoms as well as emotional ones.

Physical symptoms are:

  • Breathing too quickly and erratically
  • Cold sweating and “clammy hands”, or hyperthermia
  • Shaky hands, neck, and trembling
  • Inability to sit or stand still
  • Feeling sick in a stomach or dizzy

To identify the emotional symptoms, look for such cues:

  • Fear of how other people perceive you
  • Constantly predicting bad things happening in the future
  • Self-conscious behavior
  • A lack of confidence in one’s abilities
  • Anxiety during the social events

3 Stages of Social Anxiety :

Mild stage

People with mild cases of social anxiety disorder may experience mild to moderate anxiety in certain social situations, but they rarely choose to avoid these situations. Even though their quality of life is diminished, they are still able to carry on with their daily activities without any issues.

Moderate stage

Moderate cases of social anxiety are characterized by moderate to severe anxiety in a wide range of social situations, and a tendency to avoid some of these situations altogether. Some social interactions can be problematic for such people, affecting their quality of life.

Extreme stage

It is common for people who suffer from severe social anxiety to avoid social situations and interactions at all costs. Everyday life for them turns into a living hell as a result of this, which has a profound impact on their well-being.

The Pitfalls of Social Anxiety

 Self-Discipline Is Lacking

Social anxiety sufferers believe they are powerless in social situations, particularly when it comes to their emotions.

Fear of Making a Mistake

Being prone to obsessing over the potential for making a mistake is perceived as embarrassing (e.g., dropping things, blushing uncontrollably) by others.

Not Having Confidence in Your Abilities

People who suffer from social anxiety often believe that while they are not socially competent, everyone else around them are professionals of the highest range.

Getting Easily Frustrated

Mistakes that most people can generally ignore can quickly escalate into stressful situations for social anxiety sufferers and leave them feeling humiliated in front of others.

8 Actionable Ways to Make Friends With Social Anxiety :

For those who suffer from social anxiety and feel powerless in their lives, the following suggestions can help you take back control and make new friends.

1.     Do Something Controversial

In a group of people, show that you are not afraid to demonstrate your own opinion and ready to take a stand on a hot button issue.

2.     Be the First One to Show Up

Your brain understands that you are not afraid and is prepared to face whatever comes your way, when you take the initiative and go first in many activities.

3.     Try Out New Ideas

You’ll gain confidence and a sense of adventure by branching out and proving to yourself that your anxiety isn’t holding you back. Funchatt is a platform I can recommend to meet people of diverse ideas.

4.     Consider Your Opinions

Engage others in the discussion by posing them a series of open-ended questions. Introduce yourself and others, and you’ll notice that your focus shifts from yourself to others.

5.     Respect Yourself

Developing a compassionate mindset begins with treating yourself with dignity and respect for the things you say and do.

6.     Be Grateful

Every day of the year, choose an affirmation of gratitude and say it aloud to yourself as you go about your business. Set realistic daily goals and write down all the things you already accomplished at the end of the day. This will help you start believing in your own capacity to do anything you strive for.

7.     Determine Your Core Beliefs and Principles

It is necessary to learn what you enjoy and dislike in life and set solid boundaries, so no one could treat you in an unrespectful way. It is much easier to overcome anxiety by staying true to your values and living by them.

8.     Pursue Self-Actualization

It is based on the principle that you can’t move up a level of needs until you’ve met those below. That is why Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a pyramid of needs, rising from the most basic to the most advanced.

Can You Make Friends with Social Anxiety?

Anxiety in social situations is very familiar to most people. Social anxiety can impair a person’s ability to function for the rest of their lives when not treated. It can increase the likelihood of substance abuse, depression, and suicide for the suffering person. The victims’ families, friends, and society at large will bear the brunt of these consequences.

People who suffer from social anxiety may be frustrated by the limitations it places on their lives. Fortunately, there are steps you can take now to meet new people, expand your social circle, and cultivate meaningful connections for a more fruitful existence.

Start participating in social interactions online with Funchatt, which is a great place to meet people who share your interests and can help you improve your communication skills.  Funchatt offers a faster connection with people, unlimited stream viewing, and the ability to share  your thoughts from the comfort of your own home. Funchatt is for real people who can express themselves openly and build genuine relationships. Join now!
