Quebec party bets on parliamentary oath issue

Natalie Roy is only the second woman to hold the office of Speaker in the 230-year history of the Quebec Legislative Assembly.

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QUEBEC — The Quebec Party’s campaign to abolish the oath of monarchy required to attend the National Assembly is headed for a showdown.

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The three PQ MNAs, who were left out from the first day of work at Assembly, were added on Tuesday and announced their intention to try to enter the Blue Room on Thursday.

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“We’re going there on Thursday and hope to be recognized,” said PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, as other MNAs embarked on parliamentary work and appointed new chairman Natalie Roy. Told reporters at the end of the day elected… work.

The three MNAs, St-Pierre Plamondon, Joël Arsenault and Pascal Verbet, instead spent their time attending two protests held outside parliament. Open doors in parliament.

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Saint-Pierre Plamondon said he did not want to interfere with Prime Minister Francois Legault’s inaugural address on Wednesday, but plans to knock on doors on Thursday in anticipation of some solution to the impasse.

he had a solution. He said Roy could easily overturn the ruling of his predecessor, François Paradis. If they tried, Paradis decided that the guards could block their way.

Saint-Pierre Pramondon argued that there are other options if the National Assembly is truly independent in its internal operations. For example, a sergeant could let them in. Another theory that surfaced in the media on Tuesday was that the PQ MNA would be allowed to sit at home, but without a vote.

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“We are looking at seven or eight solutions,” says St-Pierre Plamondon.

But he denied issuing an ultimatum or trying to intimidate the speaker by saying Roy would have by Thursday to come up with a solution before the speaker knocked. Any attempt to do so is a serious crime in the parliamentary system.

“It’s really an extended hand,” said St-Pierre Plamondon. “Where’s the threat? I’m a member of parliament and I want to be that member of parliament.”

He declined to comment on what would happen if they weren’t admitted, saying he was confident it wouldn’t happen.

“The easiest solution is to go to the door on Thursday and nothing will happen,” said St-Pierre Plamondon.

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PQ’s new tactic is to drop the obligation to take the oath through part of the law, despite a pledge made Tuesday by the leader of the Union government of Quebec, Simon Jorin Barrett. has pledged to introduce such a bill “expeditiously” in the hope that it will be adopted before the December 9 session ends.

To do that, we need the cooperation of the opposition parties.”

Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, co-spokesperson for Quebec Solidaire, made a similar promise.

The narrative surrounding the swearing-in casts a shadow over what was actually a historic day in Congress, sitting on the first day since the Oct. 3 general election that propelled CAQ back into power. I was. Her MNA of Montalville, Roy became her second woman in the 230-year history of the Quebec Legislative Assembly to take on the job of Speaker.

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The last woman to hold the position was former Quebec Party minister Louise Harrell, who held the position from March 2002 until the 2003 election.

“You do me a great honor,” Roy said home. “I will be an advocate for your rights and privileges and carry out this function with all the passion I know I have.”

On Wednesday, the house will turn into the next big event: an inaugural address by Lego to begin his second mandate and the 43rd Congress in Quebec’s history.

On his way to the legislature, Legault said his 29-page speech would focus on two central themes: building a green economy in Quebec and reversing France’s decline.

He referenced the decline in an interview with the Montreal Gazette on Monday, saying the path forward must focus on immigration. said it was a matter of concern.

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On Tuesday, he added that he was “open to all proposals” to halt the decline, with the exception of extending the rules of the French Charter to the CEGEP system.

French Minister Jean-François Roberge later told reporters that there are red flags everywhere when it comes to language. From the language you speak at work to your mother tongue at home.

“At the moment we are not walking, we are running against the wall,” said Roberge. “We need a national awakening, a national mobilization. Are you choosing French books, are you listening to French programs, are you choosing French culture, are you speaking French as much as possible at work?”

Roberge made a similar statement on November 15, ruling out the possibility of a relaxation of Bill 96’s application.

Lego’s inaugural address, the third in his career as prime minister, will begin at 3:00 p.m. and will be available in a feed on the National Assembly’s website.

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