Oak Bay home in urgent need of $190,000 for repairs

Oak Bay City Council members agree that dilapidated homes in the land portfolio need urgent repairs, but then disagree.

Some supported the staff’s suggestion that the municipal building was an opportunity to meet the needs of district office space in a tight market.

At its Nov. 27 meeting, the legislature reviewed options for the 1538 Monterey Avenue home that the district purchased in 2016 for $1.7 million. Built in 1909, the house is a two-storey, 307.6-square-meter, two-story wooden house.

Since 2016, it has temporarily served as a refugee welcome house operated by the Victorian Immigration and Refugee Centre.

In July, the city council tasked district staff with investigating potential uses to offset anticipated repair costs.

With minimal maintenance and occupancy since purchase, staff have estimated $190,000 for basic emergency repairs just to keep the building up. Work to reclaim residential occupancy is estimated at $315,000 and meeting office occupancy requirements is estimated at $636,000.

Staff recommendations supported the office. Because a district with little or no vacant rooms left in City Hall finds itself in dire need, especially to provide space for budgeted and approved staff for an infrastructure update program. because it is The report notes that finding suitable office space to lease in Oak Bay can be difficult. During City Hall’s recent renovation, staff were housed in portables in the parking lot.

Earl. Hazel Braithwaite endorsed this idea, creating an extended motion authorizing $190,000 in emergency repairs, followed by residential living standards funding, rezoning applications (required for office space), and workplace standards. Approved repair funds for .

Mayor Kevin Murdoch split the motion into three parts at the request of Coun. Andrew Appleton is a move that by itself failed to reach consensus at the table.

Earl. Carrie Smart disagreed, noting that there could be rural opportunities to provide affordable housing to the community, she felt uneasy about connecting the locations that would be the most likely. The rest of the council concurred with the first and second motions and approved funds to bring the house back to standard of living.

Appleton, which now advocates leaving the home as a residence, asked for more information and asked staff about rezoning and future upgrades for an option analysis on the expanded municipal office space needs. He asked the report to consider operational requirements and cost-effectiveness comparisons.

A full report on the November 27 agenda can be found at oakbay.civicweb.net.


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Oak Bay Oak Bay Council

Oak Bay home in urgent need of $190,000 for repairs

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