Oak Bay Council upholds staff decision to refuse to remove gully oak trees

A towering gully oak on the junior campus of Glenrion Norfolk School is of concern, school representatives told the Oak Bay council on Monday night as part of an appeal to remove the tree.

In September, the school filed a petition for removal of Gully Oak No. 472, located in the northwest corner of the campus grounds at 1701 Beach Dr. The school district denied the permit the school needed to remove the tree. .

The school has expressed concern about the limbs towering above the historic building where the classrooms are located, standing near the bus loading area as well as the area where staff and students gather during pick-ups and drop-offs. I am listing. The school also noted that a healthy gully oak adjacent to the school had collapsed during her June rainstorm.

The tree doctor’s report produced for the school by the Bartlett Tree Service considered the tree to be moderate risk and evaluated options. These include pruning to significantly reduce the terminal weight of trunks overhanging roads and other targets. This reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk. Other options presented were to remove trees and cut stumps as low as possible to eliminate any tripping hazards and leave no risk.

Park Service Director Chris Hyde-Lay said that from the department’s perspective, the tree does not meet logging standards and prefers pruning options. Pruning removes weight from the crown, reduces the incidence of failure, and improves growing conditions.

“It’s really impossible to keep a tree without risk. It doesn’t matter what type or size of tree it is,” said Hyde-Lay. He estimates the tree to be about 150 years old.

All members of the city council agree that they face a difficult situation, with some pointing out that it is nearly impossible to eliminate risks within the municipality, from vehicle hazards to trees at other schools and facilities. did.

“We don’t want councils in the process of determining the relative health of individual trees within our community. We rely on experts to do that,” said Coun. Andrew Appleton. Said.

Earl. Carrie Smart withdrew from the discussion due to a perceived financial conflict as her employer has a business interest in the applicant.


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Oak Bay Council upholds staff decision to refuse to remove gully oak trees

Source link Oak Bay Council upholds staff decision to refuse to remove gully oak trees

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