Mauna Loa eruption has alarmed some Hawaiians and draws onlookers

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HILO, Hawaii — The world’s largest active volcano’s first eruption in 38 years is drawing onlookers to national parks for “spectacular” views of the event, and some Hawaii residents who have had horrific volcanic experiences. It’s evoking bad memories among us. In the past.

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Just four years ago, Nicole Skilling fled her home near a community where lava destroyed more than 700 homes. She moved to the South Kona area, but this week she found herself packing her car with food and supplies after Mauna Loa erupted late Sunday.

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Authorities were initially concerned that lava running down the volcano’s flanks might be headed for South Kona, but scientists later found that the eruption had moved to a rift zone on Mauna Loa’s northeastern flank and was not threatening communities. was generally guaranteed.

Still, the uncertainty is somewhat disturbing.

“It just happened last night, so basically we haven’t had much time to worry yet,” Skilling said on Monday. If so, that’s when we’re talking about entering a populated area… so I have a bit of PTSD.

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Despite no evacuation orders being issued, some people have decided to leave their homes, prompting authorities to open shelters in the Kona and Kau areas. Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Ross said there were very few, if any, overnight stays, and that it would be closed on Tuesday.

Nevertheless, parts of the region prepared for unpredictable changes.

Kamani Rivera Kekororio, who lives in the South Kona community of Hookna, kept food, blankets and other supplies in her car.

“We’re makaukau for anything,” said Rivera Kekorolio, using the Hawaiian word for “prepared.”

Ken Hong, a scientist at the Hawaii Volcano Observatory, said Tuesday that the lava was “not super fast” at less than a mile per hour, although the exact speed was not yet known. I was going downhill for about 10 kilometers from here. About 4 miles from the road, the flow could slow down as it hit flat ground.

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It is unknown when the lava will reach the road. Hong said it could hit flat ground later on Tuesday or Wednesday.

“It’s not even certain if it will even make it to the highway, but if this trend continues, it’s definitely the next step in the making.”

On Tuesday, the smell of volcanic gas and sulfur wafted along Saddle Road, and people watched wide streams of lava approaching. Clouds cleared to reveal a large plume of gas and ash rising from open top vents above the stream.

Governor David Ige has declared a state of emergency.

“At this time, we are grateful that the lava flow has not affected residential areas and schools and businesses have been able to continue operating,” he said in a statement. Therefore, I am issuing this state of emergency now so that responders can respond quickly or limit access if necessary.”

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Hong said lava crossed the access road to the Mauna Loa Observatory on Monday night, cutting power to the facility. He added that it could move toward the county seat of Hilo, but that could take a week or more.

Meanwhile, scientists are trying to measure the gases released from the eruption.

“We are in the very early stages of this eruption,” Hon said.

An eruption has flooded the 24-hour Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with tourists. “The view was spectacular,” said park spokeswoman Jessica Fellacane, especially before sunrise and at night.

Visitors can now witness two eruption events: a glow from Kilauea’s Lava Lake and lava from the Mauna Loa Fissure.

“This is a rare time when two eruptions are happening at the same time,” Ferracane said.

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People in the northern Hilo region, closest to Mauna Loa’s eruption, were cautious, but they weren’t overly frightened on Tuesday.

Lindsay Cloyd, 33, says she’s a little nervous, but she feels safe and in awe of the forces of nature going on in her backyard.

A Utah native who has only lived in Hawaii for a few years, she has never attended an eruption.

“I feel so humble and small,” she said, adding, “Being here while it’s happening is a profound and incredible experience.

Down the street, Thomas Schneider, 38, an optical engineer at Mauna Kea’s Gemini Observatory, has just built a new home in his neighborhood.

The threat of lava never came when he bought the property, but he had lived in Hilo for over a decade and knew the risks.

“Looking around my property, I see lava rock formations sticking out,” he said. “We live on top of an active volcano, so it’s like lava fields everywhere.”

Mauna Loa’s final eruption approached his neighborhood, but soon stopped.

he said he wasn’t afraid

“I’ve been waiting ever since I moved here to see Mauna Loa take off. It should be great,” he said. “It’s kind of exciting to finally erupt.”

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    Mauna Loa eruption has alarmed some Hawaiians and draws onlookers

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