Letter, December 1: “Is the Federal Reserve Running Bad Money?”

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saw it coming
Printing $109 billion into our incompetent federal government to fund the rollout of CERB during a pandemic would create a huge inflationary environment that would soon lead to a massive recession. Did anyone know what it was doing? What’s more, $3.2 billion of CERB payouts were fraudulent claims. Why not surprise anyone! Now the Fed through her CRA will make him spend another $5 billion to recoup his $3.2 billion lost from rogue Canadians. But as the thoughtless, consumption-satisfied Trudeau once said, “the economy will pick itself up.”
Molly Kens
(Easy money can be really too easy.)

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That’s interesting
Responding to a question about China’s COVID lockdown protests, our prime minister said, “When it comes to COVID policy, we are committed to reminding the Chinese regime that our government will always stand up for freedom of expression.” rice field. teeth? ! This is the same man who enacted the Emergency Act in response to protests about the Canadian government’s COVID policies. Right?
jerry jones
(The budget may not balance itself out, but this certainly writes itself.)

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Solve a problem
think too much about the problem. Yes count. Courtney Walcott doesn’t think crackdowns will be the solution to the social unrest and crime at LRT stations. He believes the root cause of systemic problems needs to be addressed. No more passengers unless people feel safe. Problems have arisen in recent weeks, proving to be a serious problem with regard to public safety at or near railway stations. Should we look into the root cause of the criminal’s problem, or should we call the fire department to stop the station from burning down?
herbert pierce
(Clean up, like now!)

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more gunter?
Why does Rick Bell almost always get front-page headlines and someone like Lorne Gunter is buried in the opinion section? For example, regarding Prime Minister Daniel Smith’s televised speech, Gunter said: The tone of Rick’s recent column was negative towards Smith. Gunther becomes more positive.Placement of Sun Headlines have a huge impact on what people read and think. You may be able to give a more balanced presentation.
Dick Burley
(No. It won’t happen.)

lily in the know
When does Brian Lilly go to bed? The subject of his daily column and opinion is mostly the day after breaking news. His consistent attention to detail and facts, along with explanations in common sense language, ensure understanding of issues. .
Wayne Smith
(He does all the work he does for readers like you.)

Letter, December 1: “Is the Federal Reserve Running Bad Money?”

Source link Letter, December 1: “Is the Federal Reserve Running Bad Money?”

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