Lead risk management

Modern Specialty Insurance (MIS), one of the 2022 Five Star MGAs of the Canadian insurance industry, is known for its customer focus and innovative approach to business.

Anthony Passarelli, President of MIS, said: Insurance business The company’s win is largely due to the presence of a “strong staff with technology that enables them to deliver the services that both brokers and their customers, policyholders, expect.” is a range of convenient products and services not offered by other companies.

In the thriving MGA market, MIS is making a strategic move by launching a more advanced platform that allows for ‘expansion’. [its] We will retain more policy and customer data to better serve our brokers and customers,” said Passarelli.

MIS is already recognized for the quality of its service to brokers, but the company’s new platform makes that process easier and improves its ability to “manage the profitability of the business at the policy, product program and broker level.” Let

Passarelli said in the current inflationary environment that puts pressure on both brokers and policyholders, MIS is stepping up communications to help clients understand the impact of inflation on premiums and asset values. . In addition to inflation, other interrelated challenges are the difficulty of recruiting qualified staff and the “poor response” of brokers. [to] Complaint Situation”.

For brokers dealing with difficult risks, Passarelli’s advice is to “work with MGA, which is agile and flexible in nature.” [and an] Ability to place risks that would otherwise not be covered in standard markets. “

He emphasized that MIS’ underwriting experience allows the team to understand the risks and set prices accordingly. “I am proud of his team at MSI and the broker clearly understands our ability to help their clients. [This] It only gets better as we move forward. ”

Read the full interview here

Lead risk management

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