East Toronto assault probe hunts for female suspect

Toronto police have released images of a female suspect wanted in an East End assault investigation, inflicting life-threatening injuries on the woman.

The incident occurred around 9:00 am on Sunday on Danforth and Coxwell Avenues.

Police said the 62-year-old woman was walking west on the sidewalk on the north side of Danforth Avenue, west of Rhodes Avenue, when she approached her from the opposite direction.

“Without any warning, the suspect suddenly pushed the woman down with both hands and knocked her to the ground,” Toronto Police said.

The suspect then fled the area and was last seen walking south on Rose Avenue.

Police said the victim was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The suspect is a 35-year-old dark-haired woman.

She was last seen wearing a white hooded sweater under a yellow puffy jacket, blue jeans, and orange running shoes.

If you have information, please contact police at 416-808-5500 or anonymously contact CrimeStopper at 416-222-TIPS (8477) or www.222tips.com.

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East Toronto assault probe hunts for female suspect

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