Due to COVID, people who can’t work remotely need more sick leave: unions

Trade unions in Quebec are concerned that the lack of sick leave could lead to employees working even when sick.

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Quebec’s three major trade union confederations have asked the state government to provide 10 additional days of COVID-19 sick leave for employees whose nature of work prevents them from working from home.

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The Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), the Confedération des syndicats nationalaux (CSN) and the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) said in a statement Thursday that the number of sick days available to workers in the health, education and medical sectors will be: Lack of childcare. Trade unions are concerned that lack of sick leave could lead to employees working despite being infected with COVID-19, as they cannot work from home. .

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Citing Health Minister Christian Dubet’s recent statement that employees should do their best not to transmit respiratory viruses, the union will continue to work to ensure that workers follow its advice. It points out that conditions should be given.

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Unions will not be penalized after admitting that a surge in virus cases has reduced existing sick days granted to employees and that some members with COVID-19 have reported to work claims.

Unions point out that the federal government has already allowed employees an additional 10 days of sick leave by amending the Canadian Labor Code. daily salary.

FTQ, CSN and CSQ said they represent approximately 1.14 million workers in Quebec’s public and private sectors.

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    Due to COVID, people who can’t work remotely need more sick leave: unions

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