A cold, snowy winter is coming ahead of schedule, according to weather network forecasts

Tyler Griffin, Canadian Press

Published Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 9:02 AM EST

Last Updated Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:02am EST

Canadians enjoying a brief relief from the onset of winter-like conditions may want to enjoy the temperatures as much as possible, with The Weather Network predicting the onset of a colder-than-normal winter for much of the country. This is because

According to the network’s winter outlook, La Niña—a weather pattern characterized by cool sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific—is returning for a third winter, and could mean cold, snowy weather through December. I have.

But for those lamenting the coming season, chief meteorologist Chris Scott said January and February were a respite from the brought-up winter as spells of mild climate transition between western and eastern Canada. said to provide

Scott says abundant alpine snow from a few early storms will set British Columbia up for a great ski season, but he predicts the Prairie will be the coldest region in the country this winter. I’m here.

Ontario and Quebec will be cold and snowy for much of December, he said, with random storms expected, but the region is expected to see a possible thaw in two to three weeks.

Atlantic Canada is now expected to buck the national trend, with weather networks forecasting above-normal temperatures in the southern and eastern parts of the region and near-normal temperatures elsewhere. Northern Canada will experience cooler-than-normal temperatures in southern Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory, while eastern Nunavut will experience near-normal temperatures, while the rest of the country will experience cooler seasonal averages. It is expected to be.

“If you’re worried about the forecast, you might be like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t handle four straight months of cold and snow,’ but that doesn’t seem to be the case in most parts of the country,” Scott said. said. phone interview. “It’s going to be intense when it comes, and then you’ll take some pretty important breaks during your stretches.

Scott said January and February will be pivotal months in determining whether this winter will be very cold and snowy, and forecasters will see more rain in those months near the end of December. I’m pointing out that it gives us a better idea of ​​what to expect.

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A cold, snowy winter is coming ahead of schedule, according to weather network forecasts

Source link A cold, snowy winter is coming ahead of schedule, according to weather network forecasts

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