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What to do if there is no toilet paper in the public toilet

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Photo: Teera Pittayanurak ((((Shutterstock).

Physical function is messy, and no matter how carefully you plan, at some point your body will betray you and you will be forced to eliminate you in public places that you do not want to eliminate. In such a desperate situation, we may experience a tunnel vision. Notice the horror of an empty toilet paper dispenser until it’s too late. Instead of falling into self-loathing, make an action plan. Here’s what to do if you don’t have toilet paper on the bathroom stall:

Ask for help

If you are alone in the bathroom, the obvious first step is to check supplies at other food stalls. If you are not alone, call for the friendship and love of fellow humans. If someone else is in the bathroom, swallow your pride and politely ask for help. It may be embarrassing, but we all have to move our gut at some point, which is far superior to some of the options we’re about to explore.

use other paper

If no one gets help and no toilet paper is available, the next step is to consider non-standard paper products.

  • Toilet seat cover. If available, these are the best options. They are hygienic and washable, so they are really strangely shaped toilet paper anyway.
  • Paper towels. If you can get a paper towel from the sink area, it’s a scratch but an effective alternative. Roughness can be minimized by slightly moistening it before use.
  • Paperboard roll. Bare paperboard toilet paper rolls may mock you from the dispenser, but you can Use for a very unpleasant wipe experience. Strategic moistening, like paper towels, can be slightly more comfortable. (Note the word Slightly In that sentence. )

Check your pocket

Let’s say you get lost in a certain place Mad Max Toilet with no paper products — a wasteland of bacteria and shame. Now it’s time to find your person’s hidden paper reservoir. Check your pockets and wallets for the following available items:

  • Organization. Of course, this is pretty obvious. If you have a pack of tissue in your coat pocket, your toilet experience will not be so traumatic after all.
  • receipt. If you went to CVS just before you hit the bathroom, you’re in luck now. Paper receipts aren’t ideal, but you can get the job done. Sure, you may not be able to return those improper impulse purchases, but you’ll beat entropy for another day, and that’s nothing.
  • Rapper. Similarly, candy wrappers and other packages in bags and pockets may provide some urgent relief here.
  • cash. OK, please listen. Yes, this will be the most expensive public toilet I’ve ever used, but in this case it might be worth wasting a few dollar bills. If you don’t have a single, you need to discuss the price of dignity very seriously with yourself.

Make a DIY bidet

Americans are strangely anti-bidets, but anything happens in an emergency, even if you think that using a stream of water to clean yourself after a poop is a vicious communist ploy to weaken the Americans’ determination. increase.If you have bottled water, consider using it to clean it Without it paper. Water is very effective for this. This is why billions of people around the world use water instead of or in combination with toilet paper. Therefore, this can be a good choice. And the beginning of an exciting new frontier for you to explore.

Sacrifice your wardrobe

Oh, we’ve arrived at the last circle of hell. You have been in the bathroom for 30 minutes and have determined that no help has come and that there are no alternative supplies. Suddenly you may find yourself fed up with the closet instead of the actual toilet. Whatever the reason, there is literally nothing to use as an alternative toilet paper. Of course, except for your own clothes.

Yes, it’s scary. but also! It’s a little better than the alternative. Your choices (from the scariest to the scariest) are:

  • socks. The socks are paired, so hitting this bottom is the best choice. After cleaning, you can carefully insert dirty socks into your opponent, making it easy and relatively hygienic to keep your trash.
  • underwear.. Perhaps their sacrifice really matters because your pants will be ruined anyway if you do nothing.
  • Undershirt. If you’re wearing multiple undershirts or shirts, you don’t need them all.

Last note: Whatever you end up using in this situation (except the toilet seat cover), Do not flush down the toilet.. Even paper products such as paper towels and tissues do not disintegrate like toilet paper and should not be washed away (tissues are, after all, designed to withstand explosive sneezing, for example long in sewer systems. Time may get stuck.). If you have to resort to one of these desperate means, steel yourself and walk the rest to the trash can.

What to do if there is no toilet paper in the public toilet

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