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Why can’t I order infant formula from Canada?

Image of an article titled Why You Can't Order Milk Powder from Canada

Photo: Toydy ((((Shutterstock).

When Infant formula continues to be in short supplyThe baby’s parents are looking for a creative way to get that precious Enfamil, but the simple and seemingly ingenious solution that is currently infected with the virus is as described. It doesn’t work. suggestion It’s widespread on Facebook and Twitter to parents Amazon Change the country of your account from the United States.From the south to Canada.

The claim is that if you do this, yAll kinds of infant formula purchase options are offered. In Canada Major formula shortage.. But the problem is Comes when you really want to get a formula (or something else) delivery From Amazon Canada. The company ships its products only in Canada, so it won’t work unless you have a friend in Manitoba.

Amazon On the delivery restriction page:

Due to certain restrictions, certain products cannot be shipped to all geographic locations. Due to certain product restrictions, the buyer may need to provide additional information in order to ship the product.

You may be able to find a third party formula shipper on Amazon, but this is expensive In terms of shippingDepending on the type of formula you are importing, it may not be legal.

The FDA’s role in all this

Why U’s bigger problem.S. Because the country does not import more infant formula It’s more complicated than the Amazon rules. Only about 2% of U.S.The formula comes from foreign sources. February recall A major manufacturer, Abbott, has abandoned our delicate domestic formula supply chain. Fixing the problem presents some serious challenges.

If it was another product, we could have imported it sooner, but we are particular about infant formula. The formula must meet the FDA’s nutritional standards and other requirements sold here.. European milk powder brands generally meet or exceed the FDA’s nutritional requirements, Foreign-style black market) Product packaging and other aspects are another story.

Recalls and FDA approvals are only part of the story, the rest is economics.

Tariffs and dairy protection

To protect U.S. Dairy industry and U.S.. Formula maker, Import duty on powdered milk is set at 17.5% For most types of infant formula. The recently redesigned NAFTA Agreement raises the cost of actually importing Canadian recipes, discourages everyone from building new factories there, and makes it costly to import surpluses from Canadian factories. I made it.

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

There is no way to change the priceSoon, the government is taking other steps to end the crisis. This Week’s FDA Announced plans to mitigate shortages By loosening some of its rules (but not covering nutritional requirements), and Abbott announced today The facility should be back online within a few weeks with new safety standards in place.

Why can’t I order infant formula from Canada?

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