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How to distinguish between mathematics disorder

Image of an article titled that your child may actually have mathematical learning disabilities

Photo: Irina Wilhak (shutter stock)

Children may not be good at arithmetic. You may have been so when you were a child, You were very anxious in the math test You have a panic attack. Some children are not good at mathematics, but some actually have arithmetic learning disabilities. Computational disorderThis section describes the signs of calculation disorder, the diagnosis method, and how to deal with the child having a computational disorder.

Signs of mathematical liability disorder

Arithmetic is struggling for many children, but it is often difficult for parents to help arithmetic at home because the curriculum has shifted from the “method we taught” to the “new arithmetic” common core curriculum. However, the signs of mathematical learning disabilities include the following:

  • After a friend starts calculation in his head, rely on his finger
  • I can’t remember the facts of mathematics (confusion between multiplications, addition and subtraction, etc.)
  • It is difficult to apply the concept of mathematics to the life -life (money, the amount of remaining food, etc.)
  • I often get lost
  • Problems when connecting symbols to corresponding numbers and reading graphs and charts
  • It is difficult to write numbers and mathematics correctly or in order
  • Difficulty classifying objects by type (size, shape, etc.)
  • It’s hard to understand time
  • Avoid or anxiety of mathematics

If your child is checking some of these boxes, they may be delayed in mathematics, which are common after pandemics, but it is difficult to process arithmetic information. You may be suffering from calculation disorder, which is a mathematical disorder.

“Single arithmetic disorders are not as common as reading and writing and languages, but they actually exist,” says Paulet Selman, a school psychologist who frequently performs treatment disorders. Special education advocates in Oregon and WashingtonIt has not been researched or diagnosed as a Discusia, which is equivalent to reading, Researchers have hypotheses It may be as common as they are learning more about how the brain is processing the concept of mathematics.


Mathematical disorder is notorious, but your school is still unlikely to identify it. You can tell your child’s homeroom or school counselor and ask for evaluation. If they find something, they can go from there.

In some cases, it may be necessary to make personal evaluation by neural psychologists. These are often partially covered by insurance, but they may be expensive. Selman says: “Many processing problems can affect mathematics. Work memory issues, execution functions, visual spaces, long -term searches, so if mathematics is a problem, other problems. She may have a potential problem that also has an impact. She recommends as follows: ” Schools may need to perform additional tests to determine the effects of processing and whether they are qualified for special education services. The main points of this are the following diagnosis, in many cases, when there is a computational disorder. Perseverance Also ADHD,It is the same.

School supports

Your child may or may not be eligible to receive special education services diagnosed with computational disorder. “If there is almost no effect on grades and test scores, even children with very good treatment disorders may not be qualified to receive school services.”If they are struggling at school, they may be qualified: 504 plan or Individual education plan (IEP).

Arithmetic disorder is included in DSM-5This is a list of mental health status, and is often a factor in determining a diagnosis qualification for receiving special education services. Special education laws vary from state to state, so if you are unknown whether your child needs support or is eligible to receive support, consult a school or look for a community defender.

Home support method

Helping a child at home is often a difficult and hard effort full of pitfalls and straws.But many Available resources To parents with children with arithmetic disorders. Or you can outsource and hire a tutor. It is a good idea to find a person who has the experience of computational disorder and training and has worked with children of the same age as your child.

This article of address There are wonderful lists of all kinds of schools, families, and workplaces, but what parents use at home are: Point out the world mathematics When you can, play Games that incorporate mathematicsPlease help you with your homework and time management, and try to understand even if you are not struggling with mathematics.

How to distinguish between mathematics disorder

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