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Toronto is sexy: Candice Bushnell, author of ‘Sex and the City’

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Is Toronto sexy?

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Yes, according to Candace Bushnell, author of Sex and the City, Canada’s largest city hits the mark.

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“I think it’s a sexy city,” said Bushnell, 63. Is there still Sex and the City, At the Danforth Music Hall on December 11th.

“I really like Toronto because I think it’s an exciting and interesting city. She said, “I feel like I meet Canadian fashion designers and artistic people all the time. I also think women in Toronto are very cool. Women are not as neurotic as women in New York.” I found out no.”

We caught up with the currently single Bushnell in his New York apartment.

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Q. Have you ever dated a Torontonian?

A. No, I use an international dating app. I’m connected to some guys in Toronto, so I think I’ll go back and look up my connections and maybe send a little note like, “Hey, I’m coming to Toronto.” I may be on a few dates when I’m there.

Q. What is the attraction of Canada for New Yorkers (from Connecticut)?

A. At least a few times a year, I visit Zillow (a real estate market site) to research Canadian real estate, such as ‘Can I move to Canada? People keep talking about (Cottage Country) and how fun they are. they read. they are informed.

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Q.What did you think? sex and the city TV sequel, and just like thatsurvived the controversy to get a second season despite its rather serious tone compared to the original. sex and the city Series (based on Bushnell’s newspaper column and 1996 column anthology book)?

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A. I like the new characters. Some of it didn’t last, like[married lawyer]Miranda going out with[non-binary podcaster]Che, so I think maybe they didn’t quite pull it together when it came to some storylines. I actually liked that character, Che. I thought that character was really interesting. I’m glad they did. I hope it lasts 6 seasons.

Q. What’s next?

A. I’m still working on another round of scripts Is there still sex in town (featuring new characters from the TV show). I don’t know if that will happen. I have a publisher under contract for two of his books, one of which will probably be a memoir. I’m also thinking, “Maybe I should write another book about New York City.”

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Toronto is sexy: Candice Bushnell, author of ‘Sex and the City’

Source link Toronto is sexy: Candice Bushnell, author of ‘Sex and the City’

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