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Vancouver’s Broadway Subway postponed to 2026

The delay on the Broadway subway line was due to a five-week strike by Lower Mainland concrete workers at the beginning of the summer.

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Completion of Vancouver’s Broadway subway line has been delayed to 2026 due to a concrete strike this summer.

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A five-week strike in June by concrete workers in the Lower Mainland put nearly 300 people out of work and affected more than half of construction projects in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. Extend the Skytrain service westward along the Broadway Corridor for about 6 kilometers.

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As a result, the completion date of the project has been pushed back from late 2025 to early 2026, BC’s Ministry of Transport said in a news release on Thursday. It said it would provide a more accurate timeline for next spring, when more station excavation work and tunnel boring will take place.

The ministry said the project is staying within budget.

Tunnel excavation began on October 7, when Elsie, one of two giant 1,000-ton boring machines, was launched from the future Great Northern Way Emily Car Station. It is steadily tunneling towards its next stop, the future Broadway and main Mount Pleasant station.

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The project reached another milestone with its second boring machine, Phyllis, fully assembled and ready for launch.

German-made machines are named after influential British Columbia people. Elsie is named after Elizabeth McGill, the world’s first female aeronautical engineer and professional aircraft designer, while Phyllis is named after Phyllis Mundy, a nurse, climber and founder of BC Girl Guides. was given.

The machine is expected to take about a year to excavate the two tunnels for the metro line.

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So far, more than half of the guideway pillars between VCC-Clark and Great Northern Way-Emily Carr stations have been completed, the ministry said.

The Broadway Subway will extend the Millennium Line from VCC Clark Station to Broadway and Arbutus, reducing average travel time from approximately 30 minutes to 11 minutes. When completed in 2026, the new line is expected to carry around 150,000 people daily.



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Vancouver’s Broadway Subway postponed to 2026

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