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Unvaccinated employees lose presumed dismissal claims

The employee said she refused the vaccine because of concerns about its preparation and distribution, as heard by the court. She suggested to her employer that she could only work from home or a hybrid arrangement, and said she was willing to undergo a quick test when she reported to the office.

But her employer told her, “There are no exceptions for MVP.” She was also given a news article citing the vaccine’s safety, but this did not convince her.

The employee then took unpaid leave from December 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022, and the employer took indefinite leave on January 25. She later filed a notice of civil action on the same day.

Court dismisses claim

In its ruling, the Supreme Court of British Columbia sided with employers, noting that MVP is a “reasonable policy choice for employers.”

“While we acknowledge that it is abnormal for employers to enact workplace policies that affect the physical integrity of their employees, in the context of the unusual health challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic, “They don’t force their employees to get vaccinated. It is a choice whether to lose income to

Unvaccinated employees lose presumed dismissal claims

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