The often-overlooked (but serious) symptoms of menopause
Generally speaking, menopause is defined as: Go 12 full months without periodcan occur at any time ranging from the late 30s to the late 50s. Average age is 52In the period leading up to menopause, known as perimenopausethe body can undergo many changes, and this temporary period lasts an average of four years.
One of the major changes throughout this menopausal process is Decreased estrogen levels— fluctuates in the early stages, then gradually declines. “Menopause is the flip side of puberty. Houston Methodist Hospital.
Declining levels of these hormones cause many symptoms, from hot flashes and night sweats to mood changes and an increased risk of osteoporosis. Similar symptoms occur with the periphase transition,” Manning said.
Rarely Discussed Symptoms of Menopause
In addition to discomfort such as hot flashes and night sweats, menopause is accompanied by menopausal disorders. A host of other troubling symptomsVaginal dryness and itching, pain during sexual intercourse, hair loss, dry mouth, insomnia, changes in cognitive function, etc. forgetfulness, or inability to concentrate. During the years leading up to menopause, menstruation can be very irregular or unusually heavy.
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Many women also struggle with weight gain, usually due to loss of lean body mass. Known to slow down metabolismMenopause may also come along number of mood swings Increased risk of developing anxiety and depression. “Weight gain and mood swings are usually the least talked about and potentially the most problematic,” Manning said.
Serious menopausal symptoms that are often overlooked
Hot flashes and night sweats are annoying, but they don’t pose a serious threat to your health. However, low estrogen levels can also make you more susceptible to serious conditions such as: Increases risk of osteoporosisAlso risk of developing heart disease.
Estrogen appears to play a protective role in both osteoporosis and heart disease. says Michael Adler.
Menopause is also like this Bone loss begins to accelerate, can lead to osteoporosis. “There are not too many premenopausal women with osteoporosis,” Adler said. To offset this bone loss, it is very important to address the following: Regular weight-bearing exercisestrength training, etc., help strengthen bones.
Don’t skip your annual health check
After menopause, you may be tempted to skip your annual OB/GYN checkup. “Sometimes my patients ignore themselves,” Adler said. These dangers may include cervical cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, or the early stages of bone loss. I hope,” said Adler.
The often-overlooked (but serious) symptoms of menopause
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