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For Briana Laplante, art has always been close to her heart

Indigenous artist Brianna Laplante of Regina has infused her creativity into Regent’s Park’s newly renovated basketball court.

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Briana Laplante often draws on her life experiences as she pursues her passion for art.

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Think about the blend of culture and creativity that inspired her to redesign a basketball court (aka The Yard) in Regent’s Park, just five blocks from where she grew up.

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“And my best friend, Savannah, lived five blocks away in the opposite direction,” says LaPlante. “It was kind of our central meeting place when it came to hanging out.

“I have so many small memories of my time there. I didn’t realize it meant so much to me. Because it had a lot to do with my teenage years and young womanhood, and now I’m just about to enter adulthood.”

LaPlante, 23, is in her fourth year working towards her Fine Arts degree at First Nations University in Canada.

Previously, he attended Tom College and played basketball for his high school’s iconic team, the Trojans.

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Although she no longer plays the sport at a competitive level, her connection to basketball is in some ways stronger than ever.

That was revealed in September when The Yard was announced. This is part of the Buckets & Borders initiative designed to improve communities and bring people together.

The scope of this program goes beyond simply restoring a long-standing outdoor basketball court. There is an accompanying emphasis on aesthetics that leads to the involvement and admiration of artists such as LaPlante.

Brianna LaPlante was showcased at The Yard, part of the Buckets & Borders initiative aimed at improving communities and bringing people together.
Brianna LaPlante was showcased at The Yard, part of the Buckets & Borders initiative aimed at improving communities and bringing people together. Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader Post

Buckets & Borders called for artists earlier this year, with a July 22nd deadline for submissions. LaPlante’s application immediately impressed the members of the jury.

“Brianna quickly became part of the Buckets & Borders team,” says co-founder Justin Lee. “Her passion for both art and basketball made her a perfect fit to join the project as the artist of choice.

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“Brianna’s artistic ability, combined with her love of basketball and understanding of the game, has allowed her to create not only beautiful works of art, but fluid pieces in how the game is played.

“We are delighted and grateful to have Brii as part of the Buckets & Borders team and are proud of the amazing work she has accomplished.

“Honestly, we’re lucky to have someone who has such a deep love for art, basketball, and her community.”

LaPlante is equally proud of the association.

“When it came to applying for Buckets & Borders and the restoration of a courthouse for my home community, I really liked the idea that people could literally experience my art through the curves and lines I chose.” she says.

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“I put certain circles and flowers in place because it’s actually practice. It’s very ingrained in me.

“In high school, a lot of people don’t make very big cuts. They just go straight to the basket because that’s the goal. Arranged for a nice round cut.

“I was really thinking about how it would interact with the lines in the artwork.”

Briana Laplante practices shooting hoops on a basketball court she designed in Regent's Park.
Briana Laplante practices shooting hoops on a basketball court she designed in Regent’s Park. Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader Post

This particular artwork is different from the perspective that it is not displayed on walls or galleries. It’s a giant canvas that you can walk on.

“I wish I was 10 feet tall,” Laplante says with a laugh.

Much of what she does reflects the perspective she acquired in her youth, with an emphasis on her Anisinable/Nehiho/Michifu heritage.

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When I look back on that trip, it takes me back to my childhood when I was drawing pictures of my aunt’s dog.

“I remember asking my aunt for an eraser,” says Laplante. “Aunt Jena said, ‘OK, go ahead,’ and I said, ‘When I grow up, I’m going to correct all my mistakes.

“It was kind of the first profound story. That’s when I first started painting.”

And she didn’t stop.

“When I’m in the middle of the process, I really like being in a roll with nothing else,” says LaPlante.

“Life is too short not to do what I love, and what I love is art. When I try to mark on paper, I go into a trance or go into the zone. Drawing is so expressive.” , drawing is one of my main techniques, I feel like I am in my element.”

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That’s where she wants to stay.

“I really want to keep seeing people,” says LaPlante. “I want to meet people and build relationships through sports and art.

“This is a great crossover experience for me, who wears many hats, because it brings so many people together. is.”

Briana LaPlante grew up just five blocks from The Yard, a basketball court in Regent's Park.
Briana LaPlante grew up just five blocks from The Yard, a basketball court in Regent’s Park. Photo by KAYLE NEIS /Regina Leader Post

An attendant goal is to pursue education and embrace the arts even after she receives her first college diploma. My long term goal is to complete my master’s degree and eventually teach.

“You don’t keep learning for the rest of your life,” LaPlante says. “I think being a lifelong learner also means wanting to be a lifelong teacher.”

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So does it logically mean she wants to be an art teacher?

“I hope so,” she replies. She said, “She just wants to say what she’s good at, because she started with people who took their time.

“Art is inseparable from indigenous culture. That is how I feel about my art. I was always drawing. I always emulated what was in front of me. We emulated what you want to see in front of you.

There was no “Ahaha!” for a moment. It has always been part of my life. “

And it always is.



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For Briana Laplante, art has always been close to her heart

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