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Make and freeze some roux now for easy turkey gravy

Image from article titled Making and Freezing a Roux Now for Easy Turkey Gravy

Photo: Karpenkov Denis (shutter stock)

upon Thanksgiving, Lou has a small but essential role.it’s my thickener Turkish gravy But more importantly, my turkey gumbo the day after turkey. go blonde Or even golden brown roux gravy is pretty quick and painless, while gumbo dark roux takes a little longer. any color), and Freeze until needed.

At the very least, it’s good to have an extra roux on hand. Correct too thin gravy.even though it’s a cube flour mixed with butter It has a similar thickening effect, but does not provide the same toasty, nutty flavor that brown roux brings to gravy. its flavor very important to me.

The easiest way to make a lot of roux at once.

If you batch and freeze, you can also batch.andAlthough you can certainly make a lot of it on the stoveI usually only go that route if I’m making pale roux Alternatively, you will need 2 tablespoons of golden roux. You can also make roux microwave, but not so much at once. massive For brown (and darker) roux, I use the oven.

easy oven roux


  • flour
  • Oil (your favorite oil)

Weigh equal amounts of fat and flour. I use 8 oz each.I’m fine do itWhisk together the two ingredients in a Dutch oven or similar container and cook in a 350°F oven, whisking every 30 minutes until roux reaches desired consistency. colour(The wider the container, the more the roux will spread and cook faster.) For a golden roux, it can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the size and width of your cooking container. A dark chocolate roux may take several hours. Keep an eye on it.

When the roux is the color you wantRemove from oven and let cool completely.Hot Lou hot— it caused Worst burn I’ve had on my tender flesh– so Do not rush the cooling step. S.Tear the paste into a jar in the refrigerator and store for several months. Divide into ice cube trays Freeze or transfer to freezer bags to freeze flat. The roux can be stored in the freezer for at least 1 year.

How to use frozen roux

Melt the desired amount of roux over low heat (warm if in the refrigerator).then proceed with the recipe (gravy or gumbo) as usual. gravy as needed to thicken it—Try to add one cube or small chunk at a time. Give it enough time to melt and warm before adding more. so don’t let me in Too many at once. (If in doubt, try plate test.)

Make and freeze some roux now for easy turkey gravy

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