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Stop using Spotlight on your iPhone (do this instead)

Image from the article titled Stop using Spotlight on your iPhone (and do this instead)

Photo: kicking studio (shutter stock)

Spotlight was once an integral part of the iPhone’s productivity tools, but with iOS 16 it’s all but gone. Search results may appear almost instantly, but In many cases It takes seconds (or longer) to find things. of The lag is especially noticeable on older iPhones, and the discrepancy in once-reliable tools is very sad to see.

The same functionality faces similar issues on Mac, but at least Alternatives — such as Alfred or Raycast—what makes up for it. iPhone can’t Replace Spotlight with something else, but you can try some workarounds.

use your iPhone app library

Keep swiping left on your iPhone home screen to Finally there is the App LibraryOnce there, swipe down to open the search bar and type the name of the app you want to search for. You will find that this search box instantly loads the results you are looking for. I tried this on a 3 year old iPhone XS Max with about 200 apps installed.loaded result no lag or Long wait each time. MeSimply switch your muscle memory from Spotlight to App Library search.it takes more You swipe, but it gets the job done faster overall.So if you Hide or remove all home screen pages But one, the app library is become one Swipe.

For other types of searches, we recommend opening the individual apps and using the search box within them. can be opened and searched.

See less in Spotlight

You can disable some of the results that can slow down Spotlight. This solution isn’t ideal as it cuts down on Spotlight’s functionality, but it’s worth a try if you really can’t use an alternative. Be warned though, this is a bit messy. First, you can go to Settings > Siri & Search Disable the following options on your iPhone:

  • Show suggestions
  • View recent
  • Show in lookup
  • View in Spotlight

This reduces what Spotlight tries to load. When can improve performance.If so it doesn’t work, the next step is more cumbersome option. On the same settings page, scroll down and tap the app’s name. To disable Show content in search Stop Spotlight from indexing content within that app. You can repeat this process manually for every app you don’t want Spotlight to scan.It goes without saying that I don’t want to This is for an app like contact address. It often shows detailed information. but when it’s overyour lag spotlight should be faster.

Stop using Spotlight on your iPhone (do this instead)

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