Racism Has Always Been Deep Rooted Inside The British Monarchy
Camila, the Queen Consort’s actions towards a young Black child today only highlights one of the many problems within the institution
Racism is deeply rooted in the British Royal family, and it should not come as a surprise when a member says something that is racist, whether overtly or aloud, or act in a manner that is contradictory to their standing.
British monarchs throughout history have been the most prominent colonizers on the planet. Its lasting negative impact has forever affected the course of history. Whether destroying the Indigenous way of life and culture and breaking apart families under many horrendous acts such as Residential Schools or participating in the slave trades, racism inside the British Monarchy cannot be discounted or separated.
Today’s latest installment of racism was courtesy of Camila, the Queen consort at a charitable event. Camila, shown in a video, clearly did not want to touch the hand of a beautiful you black girl. Instead, she opted to grab the girl’s sleeve to avoid touching her. It was as if she thought touching the child would pass on some infectious disease. In a response from the Queen Consort’s press team, it suggested she was admiring the young girl’s bracelet. Camila’s degrading actions toward this girl have spawned the #racistroyals, which has been trending all morning on Twitter.
Then there was when Princess Michael of Kent, born to a Nazi father, decided it was appropriate to wear a racist broach depicting a black person at the Queen’s Christmas party with Meghan Markle attending.
Of course, we can’t forget when the Queen’s concert and Prince Charles visited Canada in 2017 and were treated to the beautiful sounds of the Inuit throat singers but instead laughed throughout the performance. This was a classless showing by the future King and his Queen consort.
It has also become commonplace to joke about Meghan Markle’s babies’ skin colour and their hair since she married into the Royal Family.
The overt racism is troubling when you put into context Queen Charlotte, wife of King George the Third, was a direct descendant of Margarita de Castro Susan, England’s first Black Queen, who was a part of the Portuguese royal family.
What does this all mean? It means society should not be alarmed when a member of the royal family says something racist or act in a manner that is racist. While not all members of society or the royal family are racist, institutions such as these are built on the backs of colonization, pillaging, enslaving, and destroying other cultures and civilizations.
Image credit, Royal social media
Racism Has Always Been Deep Rooted Inside The British Monarchy Source link Racism Has Always Been Deep Rooted Inside The British Monarchy