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Robert Downey Jr. shows off his new look after kids shave their heads

Did Robert Downey Jr. Earn 8 Cents an Hour?

Robert Downey Jr.is that you?

Right before Halloween, the actor shared an Instagram video of him and his wife Susan Downeychildren of Exton10, and Avri8, shaves his head at his request for his next role in an HBO exclusive series sympathizerAnd this weekend, RBJ stepped out to show off his new look to the public.

Wearing his signature tinted glasses, the actor made his first shaved appearance on the red carpet at the Netflix premiere. Seniora documentary about his father, an independent filmmaker Robert Downey Sr.at the AFI Fest in Hollywood on November 4, 2022. Jon Favreausupervised him iron man movie.

“He was a groundbreaking filmmaker. Just like my father. It’s not simple,” Robert said of his father on Instagram. “Senior is a documentary that tells the story of Robert Downey’s maverick rise in New York, crash in Hollywood, burns, redemption, and our relationship afterward.directed by Chris SmithAvailable exclusively on Netflix on December 2nd. ”

Robert Downey Jr. shows off his new look after kids shave their heads

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