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Saskatoon massage therapist pleads not guilty to multiple sexual assaults

Kenneth Brown chose a jury trial. Most of his charges were sent to the King’s Bench instead of being subject to preliminary hearing.

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A Saskatoon massage therapist accused of sexually assaulting nine clients over 26 years has chosen to be tried by a judge and jury in the King’s Court.

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Kenneth Brown, 66, pleaded not guilty to eight counts of sexual assault, one count of sexual assault that caused physical harm, and one count of sexual exploitation earlier this month, prosecutor Lana Morelli confirmed. .

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Preliminary hearings held at the district court level to determine whether there is sufficient evidence for a case to go to trial no longer apply to sexual assault charges. Bill C-75, passed in September 2019, limits preliminary hearings to charges with prison terms of up to 14 years or more.

The maximum sentence for sexual assault is 10 years. Sexual assault with bodily harm carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison.

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The incident is alleged to have occurred during massage sessions from 1996 to 2022, with the latest allegations leading to Brown’s arrest in June.

A 31-year-old woman told police that Brown sexually assaulted her while booking a massage at his home business on the 400 block of Degeer Street in Saskatoon’s East College Park neighborhood on April 3. .

After the allegations were made public, more complainants called the police, and further charges of sexual assault were filed.

Brown was granted bail on July 8 after a hearing in Saskatoon Court. He has been in custody since his July 5th and has been charged with four additional counts of sexual assault, one count of assault causing bodily harm, and one count of his sexual exploitation. Trust or authority over young people. ”

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He remained out on bail when three more historic sexual assault charges were indicted in September.

Under his bail conditions, Brown must live in his Degeer Street home and has a 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew for residency verification purposes.

He could not leave Saskatchewan without court permission and had to surrender all of his passports and current massage certificates. He also has no contact with the complainant and is not allowed to practice massage therapy.

The Saskatchewan Association of Massage Therapists said Brown has not been an active member of the association since being suspended in May after complaints.

He has case management on one remaining charge in district court, scheduled for May 26, 2023.

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Saskatoon massage therapist pleads not guilty to multiple sexual assaults

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