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Are employers not leveraging the power of the office?

According to a survey conducted by Unispace, a company that creates experiential spaces, only 11% of Gen Z workers are satisfied with their current office setup. But that workspace is important to these workers. Nearly eight in 10 (79%) said he felt more active when working in an office, compared to 66% of older workers.

And 60% (60%) of Gen Z employees say working from home restrictions have made them place more emphasis on the office, compared to 43% of older employees.

Stuart Finnie, Head of Design at Unispace, said:

“Generation Z now makes up about a third of the world’s population, and employers looking to stay ahead of the competition should consider improving the quality of the environment they offer. Considering employers can not only hire and retain top talent, but also attract new staff in today’s candidate-driven job market.”

don’t force it back

Another study in Australia found that workers could move in large numbers when ordered to return en masse.

According to the People at Work 2022: A Global Workforce View report, 54% and 65% of Australian workers aged 18-24 and 25-34 surveyed said they were: I replied that I would consider looking for another job. Their employer insisted that they return to work full-time.

“This compares to 46% of the 45-54 age group and 27% of the 55+ demographic,” the report said.

The survey showed that young workers have moved to flexible working. Perhaps office leaders should shift their focus away from the physical work space to something that makes their younger cohorts more satisfied with their work.

“This generation wants flexibility first and foremost. [and] Maggie Da Prato, Human Resources Leader and Business Partner at Dialectica, said: A Montreal service company that specializes in providing market knowledge to businesses.

“They want to see rapid career advancement. is the schedule and that’s your salary,” most of them wouldn’t want to participate.

This method of involving workers must start early, says Da Prato. “We have to involve them from the first contact with them. When we spoke 20 years ago, [it was] About “Give your employees XYZ”; now it’s all about the employee experience. So we try to engage our employees from the start with a great package in terms of total rewards, learning opportunities, experience, benefits, flexibility and, of course, a great and vibrant culture. ”

Are employers not leveraging the power of the office?

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