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Police investigate fire that engulfed DTES cannabis sales van

Neil Magnuson, operator of an unlicensed Healing Wave dispensary in the fire, was distributing high-dose TCH foods in cold climates.

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Officials say the fire that destroyed an RV that distributes free cannabis to residents of the Downtown East Side is suspicious.

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Matthew Trudeau, a spokesman for the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service, said investigators suspected arson and asked police to help investigate.

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Within two minutes of being called at 7:25 p.m. discovered.

Flames engulfed Neil Magnuson's camper parked at DTES on East Cordova Street near Main Street on Sunday, November 13.
Flames engulfed Neil Magnuson’s camper parked at DTES on East Cordova Street near Main Street on Sunday, November 13. Photo by Chris Koiker

“An empty car doesn’t spontaneously catch fire,” Trudeau told Postmedia News on Friday. “No one inside could have been accidentally lit with a lighter or match, which adds to suspicion.”

Vancouver Police are investigating now, Const. Tania Vicintin confirmed on Friday.

The fire forced Neil Magnuson, operator of an unlicensed Healing Wave pharmacy, to distribute high-dose TCH foods to 268 members of a cannabis substitution project in the cold. He says he has been handing out high doses of food for the past five years to distract residents from the contaminated illegal opioids that are causing more deaths than ever before.

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“We are very vulnerable right now. The tents we operate in are not safe and sustainable for too long,” he said.

Lineups form every few days to provide free edibles containing 420 milligrams of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.

“It’s going to be difficult to keep this going, but if we don’t, people at DTES will be severely affected,” Magnuson said.

Pharmacies also sell other cannabis A roster of unlicensed growers regularly donates to his cause, allowing him to produce products at a fraction of the cost of regulated weed.

However, the venture recently got Magnuson into trouble. On May 11, Vancouver police arrested him in his campervan. Confiscated supplies of cannabis. H.e is now facing Drug Trafficking Charges in District Court.

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A longtime cannabis advocate, he hopes to be able to legally offer cannabis by obtaining federal exemption from Canadian law, but after applying two years ago, the Canadian Health I have not heard from the ministry yet.

“We test every cannabis, cookie, brownie that comes in… we’ve had no issues.”

Weeks before Magnuson’s camper van infirmary was destroyed in a fire, it became the target of a crime.

“It was broken in several times with the side windows smashed,” he said. “At 2 a.m. the next day, we confronted the intruders and they took off yelling that they were going to light a fire.”

Due to the circumstances, Magnuson removed the supply of cannabis from the parked vehicle.

He says the biggest challenge now is finding a new location for Healing Wave to set up shop.

Previous changes to state cannabis regulations, including new penalties for landlords of unlicensed cannabis retailers, forced his dispensary off DTES stores in October 2020.

“It’s been stressful and exhausting for a long time. I’m doing my best to stay positive,” he said.



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Police investigate fire that engulfed DTES cannabis sales van

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