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‘Wrong choice’: Balenciaga accuses child abuse, apologizes again

The fashion house called “the insertion of these unauthorized documents” the result of “reckless negligence”

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Balenciaga continues to feel the heat, so naturally another apology was needed.

The fashion house removed all posts from Instagram last week after receiving a backlash against a controversial ad campaign featuring children holding teddy bears in bondage and harnesses.

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But it has since added a new post that “strongly condemns child abuse” and addresses “two separate advertising campaigns” that “reflect a series of grave mistakes for which Balenciaga is responsible.”

The company explains: “This was the wrong choice by Balenciaga, coupled with a failure to evaluate and verify the images.”

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Label added, “Balenciaga is solely responsible for this.”

The fashion house also referenced legal documents contained in the advertisement for the case ruling child pornography law.

“A second separate campaign in the spring of 2023 will aim to recreate the business office environment and will include photographs of the pages behind the 2008 Supreme Court ruling in the 2008 United States v. Williams case. This is illegal and free speech promotes child pornography,” Balenciaga wrote.

“All items included in this shoot were provided by a third party who confirmed in writing that these props were fake office documents.”

However, “they turned out to be genuine legal documents” and Balenciaga said that “the inclusion of these unapproved documents” was probably done by a contract worker hired for the photo shoot. called it the result of “reckless negligence.” Complaint. “

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That said, Balenciaga bows to the saying, writing that it “takes full accountability for its lack of background document oversight and control.”

He noted that both internal and external investigations were underway at the company, adding that new controls were needed to “prevent this from happening again.”

The company concludes: Balenciaga reiterates its heartfelt apologies for the attacks we have caused and apologizes to our talent and partners. “

One such partner is Kim Kardashian. He blamed the company for his controversial Teddy Bear campaign, but didn’t cut ties with them.

The mother of four said she was “re-evaluating my relationship with the brand.”

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‘Wrong choice’: Balenciaga accuses child abuse, apologizes again

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