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Boil mashed potatoes with garlic and aroma

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Creamy yet fluffy mashed potatoes And well-Seasoned throughout, adding salt and seasoning after or even the mashing step is not enough.

Like pasta, spuds are cooked in salted water so that each bite is evenly seasoned. Unlike pasta, you have to go one step further and add aromatics and garlic to the boiling water. that too, If you really want to do that, I think it will piss off the Italians.)

Adding herbs (usually thyme or rosemary) and crushed garlic cloves to the boiling water adds flavor without overpowering the potatoes. The cloves are mellowed and softened by simmering, giving the mash a sweet, subtle, non-spicy flavor. Simply put in a food mill or ricer with potatoes (or mash).

If you want to double the infused flavor, you can infuse the liquid dairy ingredient of the mash with more herbs. and other compounds are water soluble), giving a bowl of mash spuds a layer of flavor.

Start by mixing salt with water. Heat to melt if necessary. You want it to be noticeably saltier, like the sea or like the tears of your enemies. Add potatoes and boil until there is no resistance when you poke the tip of a kitchen knife. Remove the herb sprigs and mash the potatoes (and garlic) as usual.

Boil mashed potatoes with garlic and aroma

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