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Former MNA LeBel sexual assault trial jury begins deliberations Monday

Prosecutors completed their cross-examination of the former politician Tuesday morning.

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A jury in the sexual assault trial of former Parti Québécois MNA Harold LeBel has been told to expect to begin deliberations on Monday.

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Superior Court Judge Serge Francour announced the dates to 10 women and 4 men in Rimouski court after the defense declared the evidence closed.

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LeBel, 60, was the only witness called in his defense. Prosecutor Jerome Simard completed the cross-examination of the former politician Tuesday morning.

The judge told jurors to expect closing arguments from both sides on Wednesday and plans to give them final instructions on Monday morning.

He said the jury will be reduced from 14 to the standard 12 and will be quarantined by Monday afternoon.

A young woman friend of complainant LeBel alleged LeBel sexually assaulted her last week while she was a guest at his condo in Rimouski during a two-day visit in October 2017. He testified.

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She said he put his hand on her thigh and kissed her on the second night of the visit while they were conversing at the table. He said he was aggressive when he tried to enter the bathroom as he was getting ready to shower.

After the shower, the woman was lying on the bed set up in Lebel’s living room. He said he tried to push.

On Monday, LeBel took a stand and denied the sexual abuse allegations. He described the kiss as a mutual and awkward moment for both parties.

Simard asked Lebel some key moments that allegedly happened. When he testified Monday, LeBell said he believed the woman was asleep when he got into bed with him. said he had no memory of whether he was asleep or not.

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“I don’t remember. I think she was already asleep,” Rubel repeated at least a few times on Tuesday morning. repeated.

Prosecutors have suggested that LeBel acted like a man hiding something when he left the police station after being questioned during his arrest in December 2020.

“I asked[the attaché]to come, but the rest is tinted windows… I didn’t ask for it,” Lebel said. “I don’t know who rented the car.

“I didn’t care if the windows were tinted.”

Simard reminded LeBel that he had asked the police before leaving the station if there were any masks he could wear to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Yes. ) had experience.”


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Former MNA LeBel sexual assault trial jury begins deliberations Monday

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