Letter of the Day: Which World Cup footballer is the true hero?
Thursday, November 24: FIFA World Cup and Human Rights. Please contact letter@ottawacitizen.com.
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Brave soccer team?
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Two recent Citizen articles about the FIFA soccer tournament in Qatar caught my attention. One article described the Iranian team’s refusal to sing the Iranian national anthem. He was in solidarity with the protests.
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Given the regime’s record of dealing with dissent, it’s reasonable to speculate that the Iranian football team, when it returns to Iran, will face harsh treatment for silently supporting protesters.
Another article describes FIFA’s threat to issue ‘yellow’ cards to players wearing armbands to protest Qatar’s dismal human rights record. Europe’s seven captains had previously announced they would wear the bands to highlight human rights violations affecting gays, women and immigrants. I have decided to abandon my plans to wear it.
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When European football teams return to their respective countries, it is reasonable to assume that they will continue to receive the high acclaim and high salaries they are accustomed to.
Now let me ask you the next question. Which soccer team do you think the word ‘brave’ belongs to and to which soccer team does the word ‘cowardly’ belong?
Edward Lander, Ottawa
Why I Boycott the World Cup
The barrage of disgusting events at the Qatar World Cup, including homophobia, mistreatment of migrant workers, and (to me anyway) the apparent corruption of entitlement to this country, has led me to boycott this disastrous event. I’m a sports fan so this is a sacrifice, but in good faith I have nothing to do with the event or FIFA.
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David Polk, Blackburn Hamlet
NCC came across 24 Sussex
Re: 24 Sussex closed for safety, reports suggest some issues are minor, Nov 19.
here we go again. NCC has announced the closure of 24 Sussex Drive for major renovations. The latest estimate for the renovation is $36.6 million. Demolition and reconstruction will cost $40 million.
I don’t care if Hollywood stars want to spend their money on super-million dollar mansions, but the fact that the NCC has spent years “fixing” the Prime Minister’s Mansion and writing an 81-page report I am concerned about it. And doing nothing to avoid rising costs paid by our taxpayer dollars.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and his family do not live there. I would recommend having this project demolished and rebuilt by Mike Holmes or Brian Baumler.
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Lawrence Olivier, Gloucester
Trudeau showed much-needed leadership
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau provided leadership when the mayor, the prime minister and all the police lacked leadership. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows Canadians to protest peacefully. The motorcade was not a peaceful protest. It was a group of people who took over the city and harmed the Ottawans who live and work downtown.
The words “Peace, Order and Good Government” in our Constitution are expressions that enable the federal government to exercise legislative power in emergencies and areas of national concern. Police finally put an end to illegal protests in Ottawa after the state of emergency law was declared.
Nancy Biggs, Orleans
Letter of the day: When is an emergency not an emergency?
Letter of the Day: 24 Sussex Can’t Be Saved (But Lansdowne Can Do Better)
Letter of the Day: Which World Cup footballer is the true hero?
Source link Letter of the Day: Which World Cup footballer is the true hero?