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Learning from Lightning’s LND Bug – Bitcoin Magazine

This is an opinion piece by Shinobi, a self-taught educator in the Bitcoin space and tech-minded Bitcoin podcast host.

October 9, 2022, brak We created transactions from Bitmatrix (a swap tool built on Liquid Network), broadcast them to the main Bitcoin network, and used UTXO with Tapscript multisig with a threshold of 998/999. This transaction had 998 individual signatures in the witness field, was almost 0.1 MB in size, and interestingly reused the exact same public key for each of his 999 participants in the multisig. This transaction caused massive disruption to the Lightning Network by exposing bugs in LND and btcd (an alternative client for the Bitcoin network).

Learning from Lightning’s LND Bug – Bitcoin Magazine

Source link Learning from Lightning’s LND Bug – Bitcoin Magazine

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