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The difference between a global recession and a domestic recession (and what it means for the US)

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Photo: Donna Gibbs (shutter stock)

When crashing stock market When soaring consumer prices, the economy is indeed struggling. Still, the “recession” label is up in the air and does not officially explain the current state of the economy in the US and around the world.one of the reasons is it’s hard to get a straight answer Because there is no single definition of whether we are in recession. Let’s take a look at how recession is defined on a global and national scale, and what it means for the US economy today.

What is a recession?

A recession is a significant drop in economic activityThis means factors such as production, employment and household spending all plummet. Recessions can be short-lived and localized, but become as serious as Great recession It is considered the worst recession since the Great Depression in the late 2000s.learn more about Difference Between Recession and Recession Here.

What Causes the Global Recession?

because there are many Whole country the economy is So relevant in modern times, it is rare for one country to be immune to recession in another. And like any national recession, there is no consensus on how to officially define a “global recession.”

Generally speaking, a global recession involves multiple national economies pulling together in a series of simultaneous recessions. According to the World Bank, current speculation about an imminent global recession is due to a “rapid deterioration in growth prospects, coupled with rising inflation and tightening funding conditions.”Additionally, the September press release WoBank “Even a modest hit to the global economy next year could send us into recession,” it argues.

Because most national economies are interconnected, an economic shock in one region can spread like a contagion, ultimately leading to a global recession. But not all economies slow down at the same rate. The impact of a global recession on national economies will depend on their influence and dependence on the larger global economy.

Let’s see what this means for the United States at this time.

So, is the US currently in recession?

As I said at the outset, it would be difficult to say frankly to analysts and commentators that we are officially in a recession. Part of the reason is that there is no official definition of national recession.

But there are some generally accepted signs that a recession is real. One working definition is if the country’s GDP has declined for two consecutive quarters. So the economy has contracted for two consecutive quarters.nevertheless The US economy reached that point this summer, many are now against the recession label. There is a strong argument that focusing solely on GDP is too narrow. Quoted by the White House aggressive economic measures such as record job growth.


There is no clear definition, but there is no doubt that some indicators of a global recession are alarming right now. Global economic growth is now decelerating sharply, and the United States, the world’s largest economy, is not immune if a global recession does occur.

The difference between a global recession and a domestic recession (and what it means for the US)

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