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How a Filipino Physical Therapist Became a Canadian Health and Safety Officer

As a child, he dreamed of becoming a sailor like his father. But his family had another dream for him: they wanted him to become a doctor.

And he tried to make their dreams come true. Canila graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from De He LaSalle University, one of the best learning institutions in the Southeast Asian country.

It took him five years to complete his degree. After that, he needed eight more years of education to finally become a doctor. But it wasn’t.

“I gave up studying medicine when I thought about eight more years of study. I just started working.”

Canila has worked as a physical therapist for over two and a half years. In the meantime, he wanted to go to other countries, especially those with better health care systems.

How a Filipino Physical Therapist Became a Canadian Health and Safety Officer

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