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Intriguing and Fierce Bid Mark Heffel Art Auction

Heffel auction has a live audience for the first time since the pandemic

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A large 1924 Lauren Harris canvas, Winter Ward House, Painting No. 1, sold for $2.52 million on Thursday at the Heffel Auction of Impressionist and Contemporary Art in Canada.

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But it wasn’t the most dramatic sale.

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Bids for smaller Harris live “sketch” paintings began in Burglake, Evening, at $600,000.

Auctioneer Robert Heffel of Toronto’s Park Hyatt Hotel and a live crowd seemed to be stunned.

“Does he have a dinner reservation?” Heffel joked. “Is he in a hurry?”

After a long silence, another bidder placed a bid of $1.25 million, but an unknown telephone bidder increased the bid to $1.3 million, adding a 20% commission to $1.562 million.

Lauren Stewart Harris' painting, Evening at Lake Berg, sold for $1,562,000 at an art auction in Heffel.
Lauren Stewart Harris’ painting, Evening at Lake Berg, sold for $1,562,000 at an art auction in Heffel. Photo by Arlen Redekop /PNG

The bidder attempted the same tactic on the next painting in the auction, another Harris sketch, the 1930s Arctic Sketch XV.

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This time, however, it didn’t seem to scare other buyers, with the bid quickly making $1.7 million and $2.04 million in fees.

An unknown bidder also bought the Harris. But that didn’t pan out when they bounced an initial bid of $800,000 for Tom Thomson’s Moccasin Flower or Orchid, Algonquin Park, to $1.2 million. This will be reflected in the price.)

The most active bid was for Marcel Ferron’s 1962 untitled abstract, when two collectors faced off when the bid was $700,000, resulting in $1.8 million, six times the highest bid of $300,000. increased in price.

There was also a bidding war for a 1985 Andy Warhol portrait of Queen Elizabeth II lightly dusted in crushed glass “diamond dust” which sold for $1.14 million. Both Ferron and Warhol were sold at the postwar and contemporary art afternoon session.

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The auction had a live audience for the first time since the pandemic. But it was streamed through Heffel’s “digital showroom,” and most bids were made over the phone or online.


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The home of Lauren Stewart Harris' paintings, Winter City Painting, sold for $2.52 million at auction in Heffel on November 24.
The home of Lauren Stewart Harris’ paintings, Winter City Painting, sold for $2.52 million at auction in Heffel on November 24. Photo by Arlen Redekop /PNG
David and Robert Heffel adjoin the Andy Warhol portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, which sold for $1.14 million at auction on November 24.
David and Robert Heffel adjoin the Andy Warhol portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, which sold for $1.14 million at auction on November 24. Photo by Arlen Redekop /PNG

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Intriguing and Fierce Bid Mark Heffel Art Auction

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