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Nuns who won ‘The Voice’ leave sisterhood to become waitresses

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The nun who won the Italian version The Voice I left the sisterhood to become a waitress in Spain.

34-year-old Christina Succia, known as Sister Christina in the 2014 season, wowed the judges with her cover of Alicia Keys’ “No One” at a blind audition.

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Coach J-Ax and Noemi were the first to turn around and their reaction was priceless. Notably, his J-Ax coach pleaded with his two other judges (Piero Pelu and Raffaella Carra) to turn their chairs around.

Carla reportedly “couldn’t speak for several minutes” after learning that the angel’s voice belonged to a nun.

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She won the show with her performance of Flashdance’s theme song, Irene Cara’s 1983 hit “What a Feeling.”

At that time, Succia was a nun to Sister Ursuline of the Holy Family of Milan.

She produced an album that included a cover of Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” and sent a copy to Pope Francis.

However, after stepping into the spotlight, Scuccia revealed that she was not a nun.

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“I think you need to have the courage to listen to your heart,” she said on an Italian talk show. Bellissimoaccording to the paper.

“Change is a sign of evolution, but it’s always scary because it’s easier to anchor yourself to your convictions than to question yourself. Right or wrong?”

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Although no longer a habit, Skuccia, who wears a red pantsuit with high heels and a nose piercing, explained that leaving the nun after 15 years was a decision her psychologist helped her with, but she She made it clear that she had not renounced her faith.

Sister Cristina Succia performs on the Italian national RAI TV program 'The Voice of Italy' on June 5, 2014 in Milan. (MARCO BERTORELLO/AFP via Getty Images)
Sister Cristina Succia performs on the Italian national RAI TV program ‘The Voice of Italy’ on June 5, 2014 in Milan. (MARCO BERTORELLO/AFP via Getty Images) Photo credit: Marco Bertorello/AFP /Getty Images

Rather, she had a dream of making music.

“I never doubted God. God is life,” she said. “But I couldn’t grow up by the rules. My father passed away and I decided to have a year of rest, a year of silence and travel.”

She currently lives in Spain and works as a waitress.

“I decided to follow my heart without thinking about what people would say about me,” she said. She said, “I was afraid that I might take the plunge and fall under the bridge.”

She added: I have had an amazing journey, but it has also been a complicated and difficult journey. They were the most beautiful years of my life. ”

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Nuns who won ‘The Voice’ leave sisterhood to become waitresses

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