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How to cure a headache just by taking medicine

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Photo: Fizke (shutter stock)

Headaches can range from annoying to debilitating. When it comes to treating headaches, you should use all available tools at your disposal, including both medicated and non-medicated options. Taking too often can cause its own problems.

Complications of overdose of over-the-counter headache medicines include I have a pain in my liver, This can occur if you exceed the maximum dosage indicated on the bottle (either by taking a large amount at once or taking it frequently over a very long period of time). Although rare, an overdose of acetaminophen can Leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States take responsibility Estimated 500 deaths per yearexceeding may cause damage. 4,000 mg dailyor Tylenol Extra Strength 8 Tablets.

“The rule of thumb is to really pay attention to over-the-counter dosage and frequency guidelines. [headache medications],” Said Mike SevillaHe is a family physician and spokesperson for the American College of Family Medicine. “Do not exceed these dosage and frequency guidelines. Be careful.” These instructions exist for a reason, because following them will keep you safe.

Another problem is possible rebound headacheLong-term use of over-the-counter headache medications can cause medication-overuse headaches, defeating their entire purpose.

Headaches have many causes

Headaches can be caused by: number of factorsstress, heat, lack of sleep, skipping meals, allergies, or many other triggers, many of which may be unique to a person. The best way to reduce it is to work on avoiding them.

“Hydration is fundamental to preventing headaches,” said Jesus Reservable, a family physician and spokesperson for the American Academy of Family Medicine. “One of the main reasons people get hangover headaches.” is due to dehydration.”

It can also help maintain headache diaryrecord when the headache occurred and what you were doing in the days and hours leading up to the headache so you can better understand what your triggers are. I also recommend prioritizing good sleep.

Strategies to try that aren’t drugs

When you have a headache, your goal is to relieve pain as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, it is advisable to incorporate non-medication strategies either as stand-alone interventions or in combination with medication.

A few non-medication strategy include:

  • rest in a quiet dark room
  • put an ice pack on the forehead
  • Drink water
  • Drink something that contains caffeine, such as a cup of coffee
  • Do some light stretching to relieve tension that can cause headaches

Sevilla advises that it’s time to see a doctor if your usual strategies stop working, or if headache frequency becomes disabling. “If your headache is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, numbness or tingling, or difficulty speaking, these are the symptoms. signs of stroke‘ said Sevilla. In that case, “He should call 119 immediately or go to the hospital.”

How to cure a headache just by taking medicine

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