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How life gets better without notifications

Image from article titled How to make life better without notifications

Photo: Christian Dina (shutter stock)

Notifications have gotten out of control. What began as a necessary means of monitoring critical updates from apps and services spirals into a tangled mess of spam and unwanted alerts. by defaultYou can’t do anything on your phone without being interrupted by notification after notification. The same is true for tablets and computers.well enoughyou may need A few But you don’t need as many as you have now.

What notifications do you want For real requirement?

Indeed, we all joke that smartphones are used for everything However Call, but it’s not. From important calls from doctors and government agencies, without phone notifications, Emergencies from family and friends. You’ll probably regret sending all these people to voicemail.

Indeed, most of the calls we intercept on a daily basis are spam, and disabling phone notifications can protect us from these scammers. The situation has improved with software features such as Silence You don’t need to completely disable phone alerts to keep most spam at bay.

Next is the message. Most of us don’t want to miss messages from our friends and family. Most texts aren’t timely or indicate an emergency, but we still want to stay up to date. Don’t always get text messages from your friends? Open the Messages app and discover dozens of group threads. message, it’s more annoying than the alert itself.

Most notifications you can live without

However, aside from that, I think you can disable many Other notifications are fine. When I look in the notification center, I see all the “important” Things I missed when I wasn’t near my iPhone: New York Times articlea Health app that congratulates you on getting enough sleep. Snapchat asked me to check my memories from 5 years ago. Instagram, among other things, tells you who to follow. Needless to say, these notifications stack up, so the true numbers are always ridiculous. Who can read them all anyway?

Some apps go even further and abuse alerts to spam you with ads. is.i got an alert from them 5 am Promote free trials of paid subscription services.that’s whyFurbo is unplugged for now (sorry if my dog ​​barks, neighbor).

With so many apps accumulating on our smartphones, tablets and computers these days, it’s all too easy for notifications to get out of control. Rather than having every moment interrupted by one of the many social media apps, news alerts you don’t need to know right now, or updates to one game, I want Interact with the app to learn these things.

It’s like having dozens of postal workers working 24/7 checking hundreds of small mailboxes scattered across your devices instead of shoving hundreds of letters through your window.

If you can’t disable all notifications, tweak your settings

However, how you use it is up to you. For some people, disabling all notifications works fine, but for others, you’ll need a more sophisticated approach. Disabling them can be difficult if you live without them. I don’t want to check my Google Cal to see that he missed three appointments this morning. Of course, if your notification center is free of junk and spam, you’re less likely to miss your calendar alerts.

If there is an application you want A few Instead of notifications from others, dive into the app’s settings and see what you can do.took Bereal, for example. I want to know “BeReal Time” because that’s the whole point of this app, but I don’t need to know exactly when others post late or comment on my posts. All but the main two-minute warning can be disabled, so it’s covered by in-app settings.

Check your notification settings for different apps when you have time. You might be surprised to learn how customizable they are and how many random and irrelevant alerts are turned on without your consent.

Businesses are also grappling with notification issues. For Android 13, Google now forces apps to request notifications as the first permissionApps will no longer spam you by default. If you say no from the beginning, the app will never contact you again. Getting into the habit of disabling notifications for each new app you download will pay off big.

Apple has also adopted this strategy. After iOS15, we had focusits function You can set filters to change the notifications you receive throughout the day.You can choose to remove all notifications except those from professional apps during working hours, then you can remove Them Send notifications and switch to notifications from friends, family and approved apps during your off time. There’s also a notification summary that saves non-urgent alerts and compiles them into reports you receive once or twice a day.

Whether to improve notifications over time or just say “screw it” and turn it all off is an issue worth addressing. Smartphones should make our lives easier and help us stay focused. It doesn’t have to be the other way around.

How life gets better without notifications

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