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Here’s how to stop succumbing to pressure from your peers in the financial industry

How to stop giving in to pressure from your peers in the financial industry

Photo: Rawpixel.com (shutter stock)

No one wants to have a friend who constantly has to miss dinners, concerts, and vacations because of a tight budget. You may suddenly run out of money unexpectedly, or your friend group may slowly but surely take its toll. lifestyle creepWhatever the reason, saying “no” to well-meaning friends and family is one of the most difficult aspects of controlling spending.

If you find yourself spending more than you wanted to for the company you maintain, here are some tips for resisting financial peer pressure without damaging your relationship. To do.

Be transparent about your budget

Letting people know you’re sticking to your budget has two main benefits. First of all, good friends respect your boundaries and are less likely to push you to spend more than you are comfortable with.

Second, you are more likely to hold yourself accountable. Instead of feeling the pressure to spend money, you will feel the pressure to save. The key here is to be casual yet grounded. You want others to feel like you’re complaining, asking for help, or making judgments about their spending habits. There is none.

be prepared to say no

If you’re having trouble saying no to your face, it’s a good idea to prepare for situations where you know the likely financial pressure to conform is high. Write your own tentative script. For example, “I can’t afford that right now. [alternative solution]? ”

Think of activities or suggest places that you know are within your budget. It also helps to take the initiative in restaurant selection and planning, if possible. Then you won’t have to reject someone else’s expensive ideas. Here is a list of social planning ideas: It won’t break the bank.

If your friend insists on something you can’t buy at the moment, be prepared to stick to your “no”. It may be time to find a friend.

find new friends

If you’re getting a price cut from your friend group, it’s time to rethink who you spend your time with.

People don’t have to share your exact spending habits to respect budgets and boundaries. It may be growing.

Here’s how to stop succumbing to pressure from your peers in the financial industry

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