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Gunter: Smith speaks good politics, and has the potential for good policy

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Prime Minister Daniel Smith’s televised address Tuesday aired across the state probably achieved the biggest goal Smith and her UCP had in their speeches at dinner.Smith’s first few weeks as Alberta’s leader stopped their bleeding in polls caused by successive stumbling blocks.

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She seemed human and capable (neither huge nor outlandish). If she has her horns on her, they are not visible.

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The best thing that can be said about Smith’s early performances in the office is that she established low expectations. , she will be impressed.

And at least in Tuesday’s speech, Smith looked like she could grow into prime minister. It surpasses the level of competence many voters have hailed after sticking to a rematch against the COVID-19 pandemic for the week.

Two of the many emails I’ve received from readers show what I mean.

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“Hey Smith knows about separation and non-COVID issues,” wrote one St. Albert reader.

To be fair, Smith has never caused the specter of our states leaving the Confederation. It is the NDP campaign’s hoax to call her promise to strengthen Alberta’s autonomy another hidden threat.

Still, my St. Albert correspondent made a valid case: Smith’s Tuesday speech was not just about more straightforward nuggets like human rights for vaccine deniers, but about basic governance concepts. (something like inflation that matters to normal Alberta) can be turned on.

In a nutshell, Smith looked like Tuesday’s premiere and not a sensational radio host.

That was a big plus for her.

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Another reader said, “I didn’t really like her before, but her speech at least made me reconsider.”

it’s huge. In this age of cancel culture, with mob rules to agree or shut up, most politicians don’t get a second chance.

Perhaps the reader was the only one in Alberta to think twice about Smith. But if she had voiced her broader sentiments, the UCP could at least perform well in the next Congress and be rewarded by voters.

Fair or unfair, UCP is still the default choice leading Alberta. and united.

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If voters are ready to forgive Smith for her past mistakes and decide what she and her government will do going forward, that’s bad news for the NDP’s plans to retake Alberta.

Politically, therefore, Smith’s speech seems to have served the purpose of halting her party’s decline in the polls.

Can we achieve the more direct policy goal of cushioning the effects of inflation? I’m confused.

It’s good that gas tax is suspended for at least 6 months. It will be pumped right out of everyone’s tax bill without massive bureaucratic intervention. It costs billions of dollars in bureaucratic oversight to pay everyone back billions.)

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Meanwhile, Smith’s monthly checks to seniors and families with incomes below $180,000 a year could fuel inflation by increasing consumer spending. , may track goods and services and increase prices.

That’s how federal pandemic aid has caused the current inflation.

But unlike federal pandemic relief, Alberta’s amount is much smaller and spread over six months.

So perhaps Smith’s speech will be a triumph both politically and politically.


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Gunter: Smith speaks good politics, and has the potential for good policy

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