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Gunter: Kenny tough on personal talks with Trudeau liberals

“Your man really messed up the dog.”

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Had he shown in public just a fraction of the Ottawa toughness he has shown in private, Jason Kenney might still be the best today.

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I have always argued that Kenny had more trouble with voters for his apparent cowardice with the federal government than for his handling of the COVID pandemic.

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I’m not saying that Kenny is better than the new Prime Minister Daniel Smith. The past is the past. move on.

But in terms of Kenny’s own political ambitions, he would have been much better off if he could have let even a tenth of his true feelings for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shine through.

Texts exchanged between Alberta’s former premier and three federal ministers were released Tuesday by the Reuleaux Commission, showing the Trudeau government has imposed a state of emergency law on free convoys. Border closure at Coutts and lack of respect for the Prime Minister himself.

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A text to Interfederal Affairs Minister Dominique Leblanc — a text Leblanc later shared with Transport Minister Omar Algabra and Public Security Minister Marco Mendicino — Leblanc relays comments Kenny made to him.

“You guys declined our request for military equipment to help us out,” Kenny teared up. not.”

Ottawa’s refusal to lend heavy Alberta military equipment to tow trucks and tractors blocking Alberta’s main border crossing with the United States prompted Alberta to take the “bag of enforcement”. Since Coutts is usually an international border crossing, states are expected to take the initiative, or at least co-initiate, in resolving such protests by federal authorities. I expect

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Kenny was clearly angered by the federal government’s inaction and was not afraid to inform the federal cabinet.

Imagine if he said this in public as well.

My favorite text is probably the one Kenny sent to LeBlanc about Deputy Chief Curtis Zabrocchi, commander of the RCMP’s Alberta Division. After he accused Ottawa of not sending military equipment, Kenny chuckled. I said, “That’s great news, Vice Chairman, does anyone know how to drive a tow truck?”

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Kenny’s disdain for Trudeau is also evident. Kenny clearly blamed Trudeau for naming the convoy, citing the prime minister’s overreaching pandemic measures and the Ottawa, Coutts and Ambassadors’ occupation of his bridge.

“Your man really ruined the dog,” complained Kenny, possibly referring to Trudeau.

As the pandemic subsided, Trudeau’s adamant demands forced cross-border truck drivers to show proof of vaccination before they were allowed to drive critical cargo (Pandemic which was not requested the first time). 20 months) was clearly a convoy provocation. Similarly, Trudeau has caused protests to spread to places such as Coutts by calling the protesters “fringe minorities” with “unacceptable views.”

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At one point in an exchange between three federal ministers, Al Ghabra transport minister called Mr Kenny an “idiot” by his colleagues.

But just as Kenny’s criticisms and complaints were strong and clear, Trudeau limited emissions from the oil industry, refused to develop the oil sands, and left Alberta’s oil (and the oil only) to the west coast seas?

Maybe Kenny would still be the best if we saw more of his tough guy side.


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Gunter: Kenny tough on personal talks with Trudeau liberals

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