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Montreal Force beat Riveters 5-3 in home opener

McGill Martlet’s former standout player, Jade Downey Landry, scored a powerplay goal, a shorthanded goal, and an even strength goal, adding an assist.

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Jade Downey Landry scored a hat-trick and added an assist to lead the Montreal Force to a 5-3 victory over the Metropolitan Riveters in the Premier Hockey Federation Team’s home opener at Verdun Auditorium on Saturday. rice field.

McGill Martlet’s former standout Downie Landry scored a power-play goal, a short-handed goal, an even-strength goal, and added an assist for a power-play goal by team captain Anne-Sophie Bethes.

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Bethes scored another goal for the expansion team to push their record to 2-1-0. Tricia de Guille made her 19 saves for the win.

“It was a great game. We started off nervous in the first 5-7, but we picked up the momentum and really liked the third period,” said coach Peter Smith. “The pack worked well and the special teams were great.

“Penalty kills and power plays were good. Lots of positives today and things to build on.”

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Force scored three unanswered goals in the third period to open up a 5–2 lead.

Fanni Garratt-Gasparix, Sara Bujold and Kennedy Gunther scored for the New Jersey-based Riveters, who fell to 1-3-0.

Attendance at the game was 3,200.

The Force and the Riveters will play again on Sunday at the Raymond Bourque Arena in St-Laurent from 2pm.



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Montreal Force beat Riveters 5-3 in home opener

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