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Amy Schneider announces Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions

“I knew he was one of the top players in this field.”

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After nearly a month-long contest that brought back many show favorites, Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California, won. Danger!Tournament of Champions Monday night.

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Super champions like Matt Amodio, Mattea Roach, Ryan Long, and Jonathan Fisher are back in action at the long-running game show’s most prestigious competition.

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Heading into Monday night’s finale, Schneider was up against Andrew Hee. Software developer from San Franciscoand Sam Batley, Associate Professor of Operations Studies, Naval Postgraduate School From Pacific Grove, California.

“I feel great,” said the 43-year-old Schneider after the victory. “Early in the final, there was a moment when I suddenly looked at myself and thought, ‘I am standing on the stage of the Tournament of Champions final.’ It was crazy. And I won! It feels great.”

Enter the Final Jeopardy! Schneider maintained a small lead at $15,600. He had $14,200. And Batley had $8,000.

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The final clue is:On January 12, 1864, the Washington Evening Star reported that this “robust comedy” was performed in “a house full and joyful.” our american cousins?”

Buttrey bet everything and guessed wrong, but Schneider and He both got the right answer. However, he bet a conservative $2,801 and left $17,001. Meanwhile, Schneider bet his $13,000 and in the end he made a tally of $28,600 and won the game and the tournament.

Amy Schneider appears after winning Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions.
Amy Schneider appears after winning Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. Photo by Jeopardy Productions

Fans will remember that Schneider ended his five-game winning streak last season with a 40-game winning streak, second only to Ken Jennings.

“I wanted to do both. [compete against him] I was afraid to face him again,” Schneider said. “I knew he was one of the top players in the field. He was definitely someone I knew could beat me. , any of the three of us could have really won, I’m glad we got a really fair chance to test each other’s skills and I hope to play against him again someday. ”

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Trans woman Schneider, who earned $1,382,800 in prize money earlier this year, sits fourth in regular season play, behind Jennings’ $2,520,700, James Holzhauser’s $2,462,216 and Matt Amodio’s $1,518,601.

The final category that stumped Schneider in January was “World Countries”, and here are the clues:

However, the former engineering manager left the answer “Bangladesh” blank.

“I just emptied it out. I couldn’t come up with anything and it was very frustrating,” Schneider said. Washington Post.

After losing to Chicago librarian Rhone Talzma, Schneider said: Associated Press Her hunch was that her winning streak was almost over.

“It didn’t look like it on the score, but I felt like my time was dwindling,” she said.

Monday night’s win sent Schneider homeHe won the $250,000 grand prize, and he and Buttrey pocketed $100,000 and $50,000 respectively.


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Amy Schneider announces Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions

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